首页> 外文期刊>aquaculture research >Smolt characteristics of small first‐time migrant, and resident Arctic charr,Salvelinus alpinus(L.), from a river system in northern Norway

Smolt characteristics of small first‐time migrant, and resident Arctic charr,Salvelinus alpinus(L.), from a river system in northern Norway

机译:来自挪威北部河流系统的小型初次迁徙和常驻北极鲑鱼(Salvelinus alpinus(L.)的鲑鱼特征



AbstractSmolt characteristics were investigated in sympatric anadromous and resident Arctic charr.Salvelinus alpinus(L.), of a similar size (11‐20 cm), A group of first‐time migrant anadromous charr was caught while descending the Hals River and two groups of resident conspecifics were caught in Lake Storvatn. one before, and one after, the sea‐run of anadromous fish had terminated. When sampled immediately after capture in fresh water the anadromous group had a higher proportion of fish visually classified as smolts. and these charr had higher gill Na+‐K+ATPase activity, higher densities of developed chloride cells in the gills, a lower condition factor, and lower plasma osmolality, than resident fish. When exposed to sea water (33o S), only minor differences in mortality and plasma electrolyte levels were observed between anadromous and resident fish, average values of plasma osmolality and chloride concentrations being 377 mOsm and 169 mM and 387 mOsm and 174 mM, respectively. The results suggest that the first‐time migrant Arctic charr had undergone some of the physiological changes that are considered typical for a parr‐smolt transformation before they left fresh water. Such changes did not appear to have occurred in sympatric, resident, fish of a similar size. The parr‐smolt transformation in the first‐time migrants may, however, have been incomplete, because the fish did not appear to have the ability to rapidly re‐establish osmo‐ and ionoregutatory homeostasis after direct tr
机译:摘要研究了同源溯河和常驻北极鲑的鲑鱼特征。Salvelinus alpinus(L.),大小相似(11-20 cm),一群首次迁徙的溯河鲑鱼在哈尔斯河下游时被捕获,两组常驻同种鱼在斯托瓦特湖中被捕获。一个在之前,一个在溯河鱼类的海上奔跑已经结束。在淡水中捕获后立即取样时,溯河组的鱼类比例较高,在视觉上被归类为小鲑鱼。与常驻鱼相比,这些鲑鱼具有更高的鳃Na+‐K+ATP酶活性、更高的鳃中发达氯化物细胞密度、更低的条件因子和更低的血浆渗透压。当暴露于海水(33%o S)时,溯河鱼类和常驻鱼类之间的死亡率和血浆电解质水平仅存在微小差异,血浆渗透压和氯化物浓度的平均值分别为377 mOsm和169 mM和387 mOsm和174 mM。结果表明,首次迁徙的北极鲑鱼在离开淡水之前经历了一些被认为是鲑鱼转化的典型生理变化。这种变化似乎没有发生在类似大小的同科、居民鱼类中。然而,首次洄游的鲑鱼转化可能是不完整的,因为这种鱼似乎没有能力在直接洄游后迅速重建渗透和离子稳态。




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