首页> 外文期刊>Weed Technology: A journal of the Weed Science Society of America >Controlling Honey Locust (Gleditsia triacanthos) with Cut Stump- and Basal Bark-Applied Herbicides for Grazed Pasture

Controlling Honey Locust (Gleditsia triacanthos) with Cut Stump- and Basal Bark-Applied Herbicides for Grazed Pasture

机译:在放牧牧场上用切树桩和基底树皮施用除草剂控制刺槐(Gleditsia triacanthos)

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Honey locust is a deciduous tree that is now present throughout most of the United States. Fire suppression and introduction of honey locust into shelter belts has allowed honey locust to increase in pastures of mixed grass prairie. Because locust trees can produce abundant sprouts, mechanical measures also require herbicides to effectively control trees. Each year for 2 yr, trees were treated with one of five combinations of herbicides and application methods. Treatment combinations, on a v/v basis, included (1) triclopyr 25 + diesel 75 and (2) aminopyralid 5+ bark oil 95, both applied to the lower 38 cm of basal bark including the root collar area of live trees, as well as (3) triclopyr 25 + diesel 75, (4) aminopyralid 10 + water 90, and (5) dicamba 33 + 2,4-D 2 + water 65, all applied immediately to the outer cambium layer of cut stump surfaces. One year after treatment, aminopyralid applied as a basal bark or as a cut-tump treatment had the best control and averaged over 97 dead trees. The triclopyr+diesel cut-stump treatment had the fewest dead trees (just over 50) and produced many new sprouts. In grazed pasture, treating cut tree surfaces with dicamba +2,4-D+water or aminopyralid+water and treating standing live trees with a basal bark application of aminopyralid + oil are three effective control options. Triclopyr + diesel displayed better control on live standing trees with a basal bark treatment rather than as a cut-stump treatment.
机译:刺槐是一种落叶乔木,现在遍布美国大部分地区。灭火和将刺槐引入防护林带,使刺槐在混合草原的牧场中增加。由于槐树可以产生丰富的新芽,因此机械措施也需要除草剂来有效控制树木。在2年的时间里,每年用五种除草剂和施用方法中的一种对树木进行处理。以 v/v 为基础的处理组合包括 (1) 三氯嘧啶 25% + 柴油 75% 和 (2) 氨基吡喃蕴 5%+ 树皮油 95%,均应用于下部 38 cm 的基底树皮,包括活树的根领区域,以及 (3) 三氯嘧啶 25% + 柴油 75%,(4) 氨基吡喃 10% + 水 90%,以及 (5) 麦草畏 33% + 2,4-D 2% + 水 65%, 所有这些都立即应用于切割树桩表面的外形成层。处理一年后,作为基底树皮或切树干处理的氨基吡喃酯具有最佳控制效果,平均超过97%的枯树。三氯嘧啶+柴油砍伐树桩处理的死树最少(略高于 50%),并产生许多新芽。在放牧的牧场中,用麦草畏+2,4-D+水或氨基吡喃+水处理被砍伐的树木表面,以及用基部树皮施用氨基吡喃+油处理直立的活树是三种有效的控制选择。Triclopyr + 柴油对活立树木的控制效果更好,采用基部树皮处理,而不是作为砍伐树桩处理。




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