首页> 外文期刊>risk analysis >Dose‐Response Assessment of Airborne Methyl Isothiocyanate (MITC) Following a Metam Sodium Spill

Dose‐Response Assessment of Airborne Methyl Isothiocyanate (MITC) Following a Metam Sodium Spill

机译:Metam 钠泄漏后空气中异硫氰酸甲酯 (MITC) 的剂量反应评估



A tank car derailment in northern California in 1991 spilled metam sodium into the Sacramento River, and released its breakdown product, methyl isothiocyanate (MITC), into the air. This paper describes the risk evaluation process used. Over 240 individuals reported symptoms such as eye and throat irritation, dizziness, and shortness of breath. Reference exposure levels (RELs) for 1 hr were developed for MITC and compared to exposure concentrations. Ocular irritation in cats was the most sensitive endpoint reported. The no observed adverse effect level (NOAEL), divided by an uncertainty factor (UF) of 100, produced an REL of 0.5 ppb of MITC in air to prevent discomfort. An REL to prevent disability was estimated to be 40 ppb. An REL to prevent life‐threatening injury was estimated to be 150 ppb. Measured MITC levels ranged from 0.2‐37 ppb and estimated peak levels ranged from 140‐1600 ppb. The usefulness of RELs for emergency planning is disc
机译:1991 年,加利福尼亚州北部的一次油罐车脱轨将 metam 钠泄漏到萨克拉门托河中,并将其分解产物异硫氰酸甲酯 (MITC) 释放到空气中。本文介绍了所使用的风险评估过程。超过 240 人报告了眼睛和喉咙刺激、头晕和呼吸急促等症状。为 MITC 开发了 1 小时的参考暴露水平 (REL),并与暴露浓度进行了比较。猫的眼部刺激是报告的最敏感的终点。未观察到的不良反应水平 (NOAEL) 除以不确定因子 (UF) 100,在空气中产生 0.5 ppb 的 MITC 的 REL,以防止不适。预防残疾的 REL 估计为 40 ppb。预防危及生命的伤害的 REL 估计为 150 ppb。测得的MITC水平范围为0.2-37 ppb,估计峰值水平范围为140-1600 ppb。REL 对应急计划的用处是光盘




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