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Shaken, Not Stirred: The Recombinatorial Capacity of High-Tech Regions: Redeployment of Resources Released from the Downsizing of a Lead Pharmaceutical Firm


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This paper examines the re-combinatorial capacity (RCC) of regional high-tech economies. Empirically the paper studies the emergence and development of new firms derived in various forms from a downsizing lead pharmaceutical firm (Pharmacia). A model is developed conceptualizing RCC of regions by the levels of business creation obtained at different levels of asset complexity for given levels of decomposition of available resources. RCC of Pharmacia's home region (Stockholm-Uppsala) is characterized by mapping all 75 new firms derived from Pharmacia onto the RCC space, revealing low RCC particularly for resources released from Pharmacia in highly decomposed form. Recombinations whereby managers from Pharmacia and other related incumbents become founders of new bio drug discovery firms (DDFs) come out as particularly scarce when benchmarked against the simultaneous emergence of a DDF sector in the otherwise comparable Copenhagen region. Venture capital is argued to be a key mechanism in RCC affecting high-tech entrepreneurship. We test and confirm that compared to their Copenhagen counterpart, DDFs in the Stockholm-Uppsala region received much less early stage venture financing which therefore provided notable disincentives for re-combinatorial manager-to-founder transitions.
机译:本文研究了区域高科技经济体的再组合能力(RCC)。从实证上讲,本文研究了从一家规模缩小的领先制药公司(Pharmacia)衍生出的各种形式的新公司的出现和发展。开发了一个模型,通过在给定的可用资源分解水平下在不同资产复杂程度下获得的业务创建水平来概念化区域的 RCC。Pharmacia 家乡地区(斯德哥尔摩-乌普萨拉)的 RCC 的特点是将所有 75 家源自 Pharmacia 的新公司映射到 RCC 空间,揭示了低 RCC,特别是对于以高度分解形式从 Pharmacia 释放的资源。Pharmacia和其他相关老牌公司的经理成为新的生物药物发现公司(DDF)的创始人的重组,与哥本哈根地区同时出现的DDF部门相比,显得尤为稀缺。风险投资被认为是RCC影响高科技创业的关键机制。我们测试并证实,与哥本哈根的同行相比,斯德哥尔摩-乌普萨拉地区的DDF获得的早期风险投资要少得多,因此这为重新组合的经理人向创始人的过渡提供了显着的抑制因素。




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