首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 1 >1,3-Dipolar character of six-membered aromatic rings. Part XXVI. 3-Hydroxypyridine and 1-benzyl-3-oxidopyridinium

1,3-Dipolar character of six-membered aromatic rings. Part XXVI. 3-Hydroxypyridine and 1-benzyl-3-oxidopyridinium




2334 J.C.S. Perkin I1.3-Dipolar Character of Six-membered Aromatic Rings. Part XXVI.3-Hydroxypyridine and 1 - Benzyl-3-oxidopyridiniumBy Julie Banerji, Nicholas Dennis, Judit Frank, Alan R. Katritzky,* and Taisuke Matsuo, School of Chemi-3- Hydroxypyridine undergoes successive 1.3-dipolar and Michael addition of acrylonitrile or methyl acrylate in highyield. These additions are thermally reversed, and 4-bromo-3-hydroxypyridine was prepared by adduct bromin-ation followed by retro-addition.cal Sciences, University of East Anglia, Norwich N R 4 7TJ1 -Benzyl-3-oxidopyridinium undergoes various 1.3-dipolar additions.THE N-substituent R in the pyridinium betaines (1) in solutions in polar solvents exists to a considerableprofoundly influences the ease of the cycloaddition extent in the betaine form (7).We therefore studied( 1 I( 2 ) R =CHiCHiCN(31 R = CHiCHi C02Me( A ) R = CH2Phreaction (1) -+ (5).2 We now report our work withthe betaines (1 ; R = H or PhCH,).Hydyogen as N-Substituent.-3-Hydroxypyridine (6)t N.m.r. data for compounds indicated in the Experimentalsection with a n asterisk are given in the supplementary Public-ation No, SUP 21797 (3 pp.). For details of SupplementaryPublications see Notice to Authors No. 7 in J.C.S. Perkin I,1975, Index issue.its reactions with various dipolarophiles. Acrylonitrilegave a mixture of endo- (8) and exo- (11) cycloadducts(1 : 1) in 90 yield, from which the exo-isomer (11)could be separated as pale yellow needles, m.p. 72-73 "C. The structures were demonstrated by elementalanalysis, i.r.and n.m.r.7 spectral data, and the formationof the 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazone (13), m.p. 215-219 "C(from the epimeric mixture). The stereochemistry ofthe cycloadducts was elucidated by n.m.r. spectro-scopy. For both the exo-isomer (1 1) and the endo-isomer(S), the signal for the bridgehead proton H-1 appears asa doublet ( _ J ~ , J - ~ ~ ~ 7.5-8.0 Hz) irrespective of the1 Part XXV, N. Dennis, A. R. Katritzky, and R. Rittner,preceding paper.2 N. Dennis, B. Ibrahim, and A. R. Katritzky, J.C.S. PevkinI, 1976 2296.A. R. Katritzky and J. I. Lagowski, Adv. HeterocycZicChew., 19613, 1, 353; J. Elguero, C. Marzin, A. R. Katritzky, andP. Linda, The Tautomerism of Heterocycles,' Academic Press,New York, 1976, p.841976 2335stereochemistry, and that of H-5 is a doublet (J4,55.0 Hz) for the exo-isomer (11) and a quartet (J4,5 5.0,J5,6-ezo 6.0 Hz) for the endo-isomer (8). For the exo-isomer (ll), the H-6-endo signal is a quartet(Jt$-en,74,3 and J~-en,74nh), but for the endo-isomer (8),the H-6-ex0 signal is a doublet of triplets because ofsignificant additional coupling (J5,6-ero 6.0 Hz). In bothisomers, the H-7-exo signal is an octet and that of H-7-Each isomer displays a doublet oftriplets assignable to the N-cyanoethyl protons.a quartet.H 6 !LX(8) X:CN,R:CH$CHfCN191 X:C02Me,R :CHjCHiCOIMeC N113)0 O-IHfHI1 0) X :CN, R- Me(11 1 X CN, R :C+CHiCN(12 I X :C02Me,R C H i C H i C02Me- RI C H ~ C H RI141 R:CN15 I R : C OzMeSimilarly, reaction of 3-hydroxypyridine with methylacrylate produced a mixture of endo- (9) and exo- (12)cycloadducts (1 : 1) in 86 yield.Although thesestereoisomers could not be separated, their structuresand stereochemistry were demonstrated by elementalanalysis and i.r. and n.m.r. spectral data.The N-(2-cyanoethyl)- in (8) and ( l l ) and the N-(2-methoxycarbonylethyl) in (9) and (12) groups couldhave arisen by initial reaction of the zwitterion (7) toyield a cycloadduct ( 5 ; R = H) with an NH groupwhich subsequently reacted with a further molecule of theaddend by a Michael-type addition. Alternatively, theN-substituted betaines (2) and (3) could be the activeintermediates resulting from direct reaction between theaddend and the nitrogen atom of the substituted pyri-dine, with the initially formed zwitterions (14) and (15)undergoing tautomerisation to (2) and (3).Pyridinereacts with maleic acid,4 with acetylenedicarboxylates,5and with 9-benzoquinone to produce zwitterions.R. 31. Acheson, Adv. Heterocyclic Chem., 1963, 1, 125.E. de Barry Barnett, J. W. Cook, and E. P. Driscoll,K. Dennis, A. R. Katritzky, and M. Ramaiah, J.C.S.* 0. Lutz, Ber., 1910, 43, 2636.J . C h e m Soc., 1923, 123, 503.I'erkiTz I, 1975, 1506.However, our corresponding work in the phthalaziniumseries indicates that the cycloadduct formation isprobably the first step.The reactions of 3-hydroxypyridine with methylacrylate and acrylonitrile constitute simple, one-step,high-yield conversions into complex tropane-like com-pounds.Unfortunately, 3-hydroxypyridine is unre-active towards many other electron-deficient addends :N-phenylmaleimide, 2- and 4-vinylpyridine, diethylmaleate, fumarate, and azodiformate, phenyl vinyl anddivinyl ketone, methyl cinnamate, styrene, crotononi-trile, methacrylonit rile, met hacrylaldeh yde, phenyl pro-piolat e, t e t rac yanoe t h ylene, and f umaroni t rile.Reactions of 3-Hydroxypyridine Cycloadducts.-l,S-Dipolar cycloadditions are reversible thermally? photo-~hemically,~ and by electron impact.1° Both cyclo-adduct mixtures (8) + (11) and (9) + (12) undergoready retro-l,3-dipolar cycloaddition reactions underthermal conditions refluxing xylene (138 "C) or sublim-ation (120 "C at 1 mmHg) to yield 3-hydroxypyridine.We have attempted to exploit such retroreactions forthe synthesis of substituted pyridines.Hydrogenationof the isomeric cycloadducts (8) and (11) over Pd-Cgave the saturated product (16), which readily formedthe benzylidene derivatives (17) and (18) with benzalde-hyde. We failed to convert the benzylidene derivatives(17) and (18) into 4-benzyl-3-hydroxypyridine (19) bythermally induced double-bond migration to (22)followed by retro-l,3-dipolar cycloaddition.Treatment of the isomeric cycloadducts (8) and (11)with bromine in methylene chloride afforded the 3-bromo-derivatives (23) and (24) by bromination followedby dehydrobromination ; the exo-isomer (24) wasisolated.Sublimation of the exo-isomer (24) at 180 "C at1 mmHg yielded 4-bromo-3-hydroxypyridine (20) asCN bo(16)119) R:CH2Ph(20) R :Br(211 R:OHCNI221the quaternary salt (25) via a thermally induced retro-1,3-dipolar cycloaddition. However attempts to pre-pare 3,4-dihydroxypyridine (21) by treatment of the8 R. Hujsgen, H. Hauck, R. Grashey, and H. Seidl, Chem.Bey., 1968, 101, 2568.K. Burger and J. Fehn, Tetyahedron Lettevs, 1972, 1263.10 Y . Nomura, F. Furusaki, and Y . Takeuchi, J . Org. Chem.,1972, 37, 5022336 J.C.S. Perkin Ihydrogenated cycloadduct (16) with selenium dioxidefailed to produce the key intermediate 1,2-dicarbonylcompound (26). The keto-group of the cycloadduct type(5) is unreactive towards traditional carbonyl reagentsincluding Wittig and Grignard reagents, presumablybecause of steric hindrance by the N-CH,wCH,.CN group.Unreactivit y of ke to-groups in bicyclo3.3.1 nonan-3-ones has been reported.ll However, cyclopentadienemonomer underwent a Diels-Alder cycloaddition at theactivated 3,4-double bond of the exo-adduct (11) toyield the adduct (27).N.m.r. spectroscopy indicatesem-addition of cyclopentadiene (the H-1 signal is asinglet).1-Benxyl-3-oxido~y~idiniu~.-Shapiro et aL12 reported1-benzyl-3-hydroxypyridinium bromide (28) and itsconversion into the hydrated 1-benzyl-3-oxidopyridinium(4) with sodium in propan-1-01-methanol, but no 1,3-dipolar additions have been described previously. Weprepared 1-benzyl-3-oxidopyridinium (4) in situ fromI-benzyl-3-hydroxypyridinium bromide l2 (28) and tri-ethylamine ; with acrylonitrile it yielded the isomericcycloadducts (29) and (30) (1 : 1) as shown by i.r.andn.m.r. The betaine (4) with the relatively unreactive l3addend, styrene, produces both the 6-endo-cycloadduct1-12(231 R':H,R2:CN~ 2 4 ) R ' - c N , ~ ~ = H (251CN1261 1271(31) the endo-stereochemistry follows from the H-5,-H-6 coupling (6.0 Hz) and the 6-exo-cycloadduct (32)J5,s 0 Hz. N-Phenylmaleimide reacts with thebetaine (4) to form exclusively the exo-cycloadduct (33)The cycloadduct mixture (29) and (30) was hydro-genated to the saturated compounds (34). Quaternis-ation of the isomeric mixture (29) and (30) unexpectedlyyielded (35), by dissociation of the benzyl iodide fromthe initial product followed by further methylation ofWe have previously shown l4 that 3-hydroxypyridinereacts with benzyne (prepared l5 by diazotisation ofanthranilic acid) to form 5,9-dihydro-lO-pheny1-5,9-11 T.Momose, S. Atarashi, and 0. Muraoka, TetrahedronLetters, 1974, 3697.l2 S. L. Shapiro, K. Weinberg, and L. Freedman, J . Amer.Chem. Soc., 1959, 81, 5141.l3 R. Huisgen, R. Grashey, and J. Sauer in ' The Chemistryof Alkenes,' ed. S. Patai, Interscience, London, 1964, p. S66.(J1.7 = J S . 6 = 0 H4.(10) *iminobenzocyclohepten-6-one (36). The adduct (36)with m-chloroperbenzoic acid yields compound (38)(39), m.p. 137-138 "C, for which i.r. and n.m.r. spectralICH2Ph1281R' bo(30 I RLCN,R~=H(31 I R'-H ,R2:Ph0 N R ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ (321 R':Ph,R2=HNC(35)data indicate the nitrone tautomeric structure (39).This reaction presumably proceeds via the intermediateN-oxide (37), which suffers cleavage of the C(5)-N bond(Scheme).L(361 (3711(39 1 I381SCHEMEEXPERIMENTALM.p.s were determined with a Reichert apparatus.Spectra were recorded with a Perkin-Elmer 257 gratingi.r.spectrophotometer, a Hitachi-Perkin-Elmer RMU-6Emass spectrometer, a Unicam SP 800A U.V. spectrophoto-meter, and a Varian HA-100 n.m.r. spectrometer. Com-pounds were purified until they were observed as singlespots by t.1.c. on silica gel GF 254.8-( 2-Cyanoethyl) -2-oxo-8-azabicycZo3.2.loct-3-ene-6-exo-and -6-endo-carbonitriZe, ( 1 1) * and (8) * .-3-Hydroxy-l4 N.Dennis, A. R. Katritzky, and S. K. Parton, J.C.S.Perkin I . 1976. 2285.l5 L. Friedman and F. M. Logullo, J . Amer. Chem. SOL, 1963,85, 15491976pyridine (9.5 g, 0.1 mol), acrylonitrile (90 ml), and hydro-quinone (20 mg) were heated under reflux for 25 h. Theexcess of acrylonitrile was removed (40 "C at 5 mmHg),and the cooled residue twice chromatographed aluminiumoxide, type H ; CH,Cl,-light petroleum (b.p. 40-60 "C)(3 : 1) and then CH,C12 t o give a yellow viscous oil (18.1 g,90) (n.m.r. shows endo : exo ratio 50 : 50).The mixed adducts (0.30 g) in Et20 (170 ml) after a fewdays at 0 "C deposited the exo-cycloadduct (11) as paleyellow needles (0.092 g, 30), m.p. 72-73 "C (from Et,O)(Found: C, 65.8; H, 5.5; N, 20.7.C1,HllN,O requiresC, 65.7; H, 5.5; N, 20.9); v,, (Nujol) 2 244 (m) and1 690 cm-1 (a,p-unsat. ketone G O ) ; LX. (EtOH) 222 nm(log E 2.95); m/e 201. Attempts to isolate the pure endo-cycloadduct (8) from the mother liquors failed, but gave anenriched mixture (n.m.r. endo : exo ratio 60 : 40) which wasused for the n.m.r. study.The mixed cycloadducts (0.94 g, 0.004 7 mol), 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine (0.92 g, 0.004 7 mol), EtOH-tetrahydrofuran (2 : 5, 70 ml), and conc. HC1 (2 drops) werestirred at room temp. for 10 h. The solid was washed withEtOH (5 ml) and purified by preparative thick-layerchromatography (Kieselgel PF 254 ; tetrahydrofuran) t ogive orange needles (1.4 g, 80) of the 2,4-dinitrophenyZ-hydrazone (13) (from EtOH), m.p.215-219 "C (decomp.)(Found: C, 53.3; H, 4.2; N, 25.7. C17H15N70, requiresC, 53.5; H, 4.0; N, 25.7); m/e 381.Methyl 8-(2-IMetho.rycarbonyZethyZ)-2-oxo-8-azabicycZo-3.2.1oct-3-ene-6-exo- and -6-endo-carboxyZate, (12) * and(9) .*-3-Hydroxypyridine (9.5 g, 0.1 mol), methyl acrylate{SO ml), and hydroquinone (20 mg) were heated underreflux for 18 h. The excess of methyl acrylate was removed(40 "C at 5 mmHg) and the residue chromatographedaluminium oxide, type H; light petroleum (b.p. 60-80 "C)CH,Cl, (2 : 3)J to yield a yellow viscous oil (23.1 g, 86.5)containing the mixed (50 : 50) exo- and endo-cycloadducts(12) and (9) (Found: C, 58.4; H, 6.3; N. 5.4. C,,H,,NO,requires C, 58.4; H, 6.4; N, 5.2); v,, (film) 1725(ester G O ) and 1 685 cm-l (cr,p-unsat.ketone G O ) ; m/e 267.Retvo-l,3-dipoZar CycZoadditions.-(i) The mixed 8-(2-cyanocthyl)-2-oxo-8-azabicyclo3.2.loct-3-ene-6-exo- and-6-endo-carbonitriles (11) and (8) (50 : 50) (0.25 g , 1.3 x 10"11101) nere heated (120 "C at 1 mmHg) . 3-Hydroxypyridine(0.12 g, 98) collected on the cold finger as plates, m.p.129 "C (mixed m.p. 129 "C).(ii) The mixed methyl S-( 2-methoxycarbonylethyl)-2-oxo-8-azabicyclo3.2.loct-3-ene-6-exo- and -6-endo-carboxy-Iates (12) and (9) (50 : 50) (0.4 g, 1.5 x lo-, mol) wereheated (140 "C at 0.2 mmHg) as above to yield 3-hydroxy-pyridine (0.13 g, 95).8-(Z-Cyanoetlzyl) -2-oxo-8-azabicycZo3.2.loctane-6-exo- and- 6-endo-carbonitvile ( 16) .-The isomeric cycloadducts (8)and (11) (2.01 g, 0.01 mol) in EtOAc (250 ml) were shakenunder hydrogen at 20 "C over Pd-C (10; 100 mg) for 3 h.The solution was evaporated to yield the isomeric mixture(16) as a viscous oil (1.88 g, 90) which did not crystalliseand decomposed on distillation (Found : N, 20.7. C,,H,,-N30 requires N, 20.7); vmX.(fiIm) 2 238 ( E N ) and 1 725cm-l (sat. ketone G O ) ; m/e 203.3-Benzy Zidene- 8- (2-cyanoethyZ) -8-azabicyclo3.2.1 octane- 6-exo- and -6-endo-ca~bonitrit~ (18) * and (1 7) .*-NaOHsolution (0.5 ml; 5 ~ ) was added dropwise t o the cyclo-adduct (16) (1.0 g, 0.005 mol), and freshly distilled benzalde-hyde (0.53 g, 0.005 mol) in absolute EtOH (50 ml) wasstirred in a t 17-20 "C. After 2 h, the EtOH was evapor-2337ated off. The residue was taken up in CHCI, (50 ml) andthe solution washed with water (30 ml), dried (Na,SO,),and evaporated.The residual thick viscous oil (1.16 g,SOYo; endo : ex0 1 : 1 by n.m.r.) was separated by pre-parative t.1.c. Kieselgel PF 254; benzene-EtOAc (1 : l).The exo-nitrile (18) was obtained as yellow crystals, m.p.107-108 "C (0.58 g, 50) (EtOH) (Found: C, 73.8; H,5.8; N, 14.2. C,,H,,N,O requires C, 74.2; H, 5.9; N,14.4); vm, (CHBr,) 2 239 (EN), 1700 (ap-unsat.ketone GO), and 1 600 cm-l (C=C); A,, (EtOH) 208 (logt 3.204), 227 (3.398), 231 (3.380), and 301 nm (3.875);m/e 291. The endo-nitrile (17) formed a viscous gum(0.46 g, 40); vmx. (CHBr,) 2 240 ( E N ) , 1 700 (ap-unsat.ketone GO), and 1 598 cm-l (C=C) ; A,, (EtOH) 209 (log E3.69), 225 (3.68), and 300 nm (3.99); m/e 291.4-Brorno-8-( 2-cyanoethyZ)-2-oxo-8-azabicycZo 3.2.lloct-3-ene-6-exo- and -6-endo-carbonitrile (24) * and (23) .-Bromine (2.6 ml, 5.1 x lo-, mol) in CH,C12 (100 ml) wasadded dropwise at 17 "C t o the mixed adducts (1 1) and (8)(10.05 g, 0.05 mol) in CH2Cl, (400 ml).The solution wasstirred at 17-20 "C for 4 h, and more bromine (2.6 ml) inCH,Cl, (100 ml) was then added. After 8 h, the solutionwas decanted and the orange gum dissolved in CHC1,(500 ml) ; this solution was washed with NaHCO,-H,O,dried (Na,SO,), and concentrated (to 50 ml). The yellowprecipitate was crystallised from EtOH to give the exo-bromo-derivative (24) (2.8 g, 20y0), as pale yellow needles,m.p. 130 "C (Found: C, 46.8; H, 3.8; N, 15.1; Br, 28.5.C,,H,,BrN,O requires C, 47.1; H, 3.6; W, 15.0; Br,28.6); vwx.(Nujol) 2 240 ( E N ) , 1 700 (wp-unsat. ketoneC=O), and 1 585 cm-l (C=C); a;lx. (EtOH) 250 nm (log E3.95); m/e 280.The endo-brorno-derivative (23) could not be separated.Reaction of 8-( 2-CyanoethyZ)-2-oxo- 8-aznbicy clo r3.2.11 oct-3-ene-6-exo-carbonitrile ( 1 1) with Cyc1opentadiene.-Thecycloadduct (11) (1.0 g, 2.6 x 10-3 mol) and an excess ofcyclopentadiene (monomer) (5 x low3 mol) in tetrahydro-furan (20 ml) were stirred for 14 days at room temp. Thetetrahydrofuran was removed under vacuum (50 "C at 12mmHg). The yellow gum was purified by thick-layerchromatography Kieselgel PF 254; benzene-EtOAc(3 : l) to give 12-( 2-cyanoethyl)-8-oxo- 12-azatetracycZo-7.2.13~6~02~7trtdec-4-ene-ll-carbonitriZe (27) * (0.34 g ,50) as prisms, m.p.140-144 "C (from EtOH) (Found:C, 71.6; H, 6.3; N, 15.4. Cl6HI7N,O requires C, 71.9;H, 6.4; N, 15.7); vmx. (CHBr,) 2 230 (EX) and 1 715cm-l (sat. ketone G O ) ; m/e 267.Retro- 1,3-diPolar Cycloaddition of Compounds (23) and(24).-A mixture of cycloadducts (23) and (24) (1.39 g,4.96 x lo-, mol) when heated (180 "C at 1 mmHg), gave,on the cold finger, the salt (25) (needles from water) (0.43 g,50), m.p. 295 "C (decomp; sealed tube) (Found: C , 33.8;H, 2.3; Br, 44.9; N, 8.1. C,,H,Br,N,O, requires C, 34.5;H, 2.3; Br, 46.0; N, 8.1); 6 (D,O) 7.7 (2H, d, J 7 Hz),8.60 (2 H, d, J 7 Hz), 8.64 (1 H, d, H-2', J 1 Hz), and 8.68(1 H, d, H-2, J 1 Hz) ; rn/e 186 (no M+).8-BenzyZ-2-oxo-8-azabicycZo C3.2.lloct- 3-ene- 6-endo- and - 6-exo-carbonitrile, (29) * and (30). *-N-Benzyl-3-hydroxy-pyridinium bromide l2 (28) (7.98 g, 0.03 mol), hydroquinone(0.05 g), and Et,N (3.13 g, 0,031 mol) in acrylonitrile (60ml) were heated under reflux for 16 h. After cooling, theEt3N,HCl was filtered off and discarded. The filtrate wasevaporated to dryness and the resultant gum chromato-graphed (alumina; CH,CI,) to give the mixed endo- andexo-cycloadducts (1 : 1) (29) and (30) (3.7 g , 80) whic2338 J.C.S. Perkin Icould not be separated or crystallised (Found: C, 75.3;H, 5.9; N, 11.4. C15H14N20 requires C, 75.6; H, 5.9;N, 11.8); vmx. (Nujol) 2 230 (En'), 1692 (up-unsat.ketone G O ) , 1 490, 1 455, 730, and 695 cm-l (arom. C=C) ; LX.(EtOH) 218 nni (log E 4.049) ; rn/e 238.8-Benzyl- 6-endo- and - B-exo-phenyl- 8-azabicyclo 3.2.11 -oct-3-en-2-one, (31) * and (32) .*-N-Benzyl-3-hydroxy-pyridinium bromide (28) (3.0 g, 0.011 mol), hydroquinone(0.05 g), styrene (37 g , 0.3 mol), and Et,N (3 ml) in tetra-hydrofuran (60 ml) were heated under reflux for 48 h.The filtrate was evaporated (40 "C at 12 mmHg) and theresidue was chromatographed on alumina Brocknianngrade 1, neutral (100 g); toluene-EtOAc (2 : l). Theeluate was evaporated and the resultant yellow gum(1.8 g, 80) separated by preparative t.1.c. KieselgelPF 254; benzene-EtOAc (9 : l). The exo-6-phenyl cyclo-adduct (32) (0.1 g , 3.3) was isolated as yellow needles,m.p. 1OP-106 "C (from EtOH) (Found: C, 82.5; H, 6.5;N, 4.8.C,,H,,NO requires C, 83.0; H, 6.6; N, 4.8);vmX. (CHBr,) 1 679 (ap-unsat. ketone G O ) , 1 600, and 1 500cm-l (benzene C=C); La, (EtOH) 218 nm (log E 3.97);nz/e 289. The endo-6-phenyl cycloadduct (31) (1.1 g, 36)was isolated as a wax-like solid, n1.p. 50 "C; vnlax. (CHBr,)1 680 (rxp-unsat. ketone G O ) , 1601, and 1 499 cm-l (benzeneC X ) ; Amax. (EtOH) 218 nm (log E 4.017); m/e 289; picrate,n1.p. 156 "C (decomp.) (from EtOH) (Found: C, 59.4;H, 4.2; N, 10.8; C,,H,,N,O, requires C, 60.2; H, 4.3;N, 10.8); vlmAx (CHBr,) 3 380 (phenol O-H) and 1 705cm-l (ccp-unsat. ketone GO).ilfethylation of S-Benzyl-2-oxo-8-azabicyclo3.2.1oct-3-ene-6-endo- nnd -6-exo-carbonitrile, (29) and (30) .-The isomericmixture (29) and (30) ( 1 g, 0.004 mol) in MeCN (20 ml) wastreated with Me1 (10 ml) at 20 "C for 30 days.The quater-nary salt (35) was obtained as yellow needles (200 nig,12.5y0), m.p. 150 "C (from MeCN) (Found: C, 39.7; H, 4.7;N, 9.0; I, 37.6. C,,Hl,IN,O requires C, 39.5; H, 4.3; N,9.2; I, 41.7); vmaX. (Nujol) 2 240 (CEN) and 1 710 cm-l(ap-unsat. ketone G O ) .8-Benzyl-2-oxo-8-asabicyclo3.2.loctane-6-exo- and -6-endo-carbonitrile (34) .-The cycloadduct mixture (29) and(30) (1.19 g, 0.05 mol) in absolute EtOH (50 ml) was hydro-genated at 20 "C over Pd-C (10; 50 mg) for 3 h. Thesolution was evaporated to yield the hydrogenated corn-pounds (34) as a pale yellow viscous oil (0.94 g, 79)which could not be crystallised (Found: C, 74.0; H, 6.8;N, 11.4. C15H,,N,0 requires C, 75.0; H, 6.7; N, 11.7);vmax (film) 2 230 (C-N), 1725 (sat.ketone GO), 1490,1 450, and 695 cm-I (arom. C=C) ; m/e 240.8-Benzyl-2-oxo-8-azabicyclo3.2.loct-3-ene-6-exo, 7-exo-N-phenyldicarboximide (33). *-N-Benzyl-3-hydroxypyridi-nium bromide (28) (2.66 g, 0.01 rnol), N-phenylmaleimide(1.9 g, 0.011 mol), and Et,N (1.11 g, 0.011 mol) in tetra-hydrofuran (20 ml) were heated under reflux for 47 h. Thefiltrate was concentrated (40 "C at 12 mmHg) and the residue(2.35 g, 65.5) was separated by thick-layer chromato-graphy Kieselgel PF 254; benzene-EtOAc (4 : 1) (twodevelopments). The exo-cycloadduct (33) was isolated aspale yellow needles, m.p. 134 "C (from EtOH) (Found: C,73.3; H, 5.0; N, 8.0. C,,H1,N,O, requires C, 73.7; H,5.1; N, 7.8); v,, (CHBr,) 1715 (imide G O ) , 1675(ap-unsat. ketone GO), 1 600, and 1500 cm-l (benzeneC=C) ; Lx. (EtOH) 218 nm (log E 4.006) ; vn/e 358.Reaction of 5,g-Dihydro- 1 O-phenyl- 5 , g-iminobenzocyclo-Izepten-6-one (36) with m-Chloroperbenzoic Acid.-The cyclo-adduct (36) (1.3 g, 5.2 x mol) and m-chloroperbenzoicacid (0.91 g, 6.6 x lo-, mol) in CH,Cl, (100 ml) were stirredat 22 "C for 30 niin. The mixture was washed with 50;NaHCO, (20 ml) followed by water (20 ml), dried (Na,SO,),and evaporated, and the residual red oil was chromato-graphed (alumina; CH,Cl,) to give compound (39) (0.58 g ,42) as orange plates, m.p. 137-138 "C (from MeOH)(Found: C, 78.1; H, 4.8; N, 5.3. C,,H,,NO, requiresC, 77.6; H, 5.0; N, 5.3).We thank Dr. E. Lunt (May and Baker, Dagenhani) fordiscussions. We are grateful to the Chinoin Pharmaceuticaland Chemical Works Ltd., Budapest, Hungary, andTakeda Chemical Industries Ltd., Osaka, Japan, for leaveof absence to J. F. and T. M., respectively.5/2476 Received, 18th December, 1975
机译:2334 J.C.S. Perkin I1.3-六元芳香环的偶极性。第 XXVI.3 部分-羟基吡啶和 1-苄基-3-氧化吡啶作者:Julie Banerji、Nicholas Dennis、Judit Frank、Alan R. Katritzky,* 和 Taisuke Matsuo,Chemi-3-羟基吡啶学派以高产率连续加入丙烯腈或丙烯酸甲酯。这些添加物是热逆转的,4-溴-3-羟基吡啶是通过加合物溴化反应制备的,然后是retro-added.cal Sciences, University of East Anglia, Norwich N R 4 7TJ1-Benzyl-3-oxidopyridinium经历各种1.3-偶极加成。吡啶甜菜碱 (1) 在极性溶剂溶液中存在的 N 取代基 R 对甜菜碱形式的环加成程度的易用性产生了相当大的深刻影响 (7)。因此,我们研究了( 1 I( 2 ) R =CHiCHiCN(31 R = CHiCHi C02Me( A ) R = CH2Phreaction (1) -+ (5).2 我们现在报告了我们对甜菜碱的工作 (1 ;R = H 或 PhCH,)。Hydyogen as N-取代基-3-羟基吡啶 (6)t N.m.r. 实验剖面中标明的带有 n 星号的化合物的 N.m.r. 数据在补充公告编号 SUP 21797(3 页)中给出。有关补充出版物的详细信息,请参阅J.C.S. Perkin I,1975,Index issue.its reactions with various dipolarophiles.中的第7号作者通知。丙烯腈以90%的收率给予内(8)和外加合物(1:1)的混合物,从中分离出外异构体(11)为淡黄色针状,熔点72-73“C。通过元素分析、i.r.和n.m.r.7光谱数据以及2,4-二硝基苯腙(13),m.p.215-219“C(来自差向异构混合物)的形成证明了这些结构。通过n.m.r.光谱法阐明了环加合物的立体化学性质。对于外异构体 (1 1) 和内异构体 (S),桥头质子 H-1 的信号显示为双峰 ( _ J ~ , J - ~ ~ ~ 7.5-8.0 Hz) 与 1 第 XXV 部分 N. Dennis, A. R. Katritzky 和 R. Rittner,前一篇论文.2 N. Dennis, B. Ibrahim, and A. R. Katritzky, J.C.S. PevkinI, 1976 2296.A. R. Katritzky and J. &I. Lagowski, Adv. HeterocycZicChew., 19613, 1, 353;J. Elguero、C. Marzin、AR Katritzky 和 P.Linda, The Tautomerism of Heterocycles,' Academic Press,New York, 1976, p.841976 2335立体化学,H-5 是外异构体 (11) 的双峰 (J4,55.0 Hz) 和内异构体的四重体 (J4,5 5.0,J5,6-ezo 6.0 Hz) (8)。对于外异构体 (ll),H-6-endo 信号是四重奏(Jt$-en&,74%,3 和 J~-en&,74nh),但对于内异构体 (8),H-6-ex0 信号是三重态的双联态,因为存在显着的附加耦合 (J5,6-ero 6.0 Hz)。在两种异构体中,H-7-exo信号是一个八位字节,而H-7-每个异构体的信号显示可分配给N-氰乙基质子的三重态的双联态。H &6 !LX(8) X:CN,R:CH$CHfCN191 X:C02Me,R :CHjCHiCOIMeC N113)0 O-IHfHI1 0) X :CN, R- Me(11 1 X CN, R :C+CHiCN(12 I X :C02Me,R C H i C H i C02Me- RI C H ~ C H RI141 R:CN15 I R : C OzMe类似地,3-羟基吡啶与甲基丙烯酸酯反应生成内 (9) 和外 (12) 环加合物 (1 : 1)收率86%。虽然这些立体异构体无法分离,但元素分析以及 i.r. 和 n.m.r. 光谱数据证明了它们的结构和立体化学。N-(2-氰乙基)-[在(8)和(ll)中]和N-(2-甲氧羰基乙基)[在(9)和(12)中]基团可能是由两性离子(7)的初始反应产生的,产生环加合物(5;R = H) 与 NH 基团随后通过迈克尔型加成与 theaddend 的进一步分子反应。或者,N取代的甜菜碱(2)和(3)可能是由添加剂与取代的吡啶的氮原子直接反应产生的活性中间体,最初形成的两性离子(14)和(15)发生互变异构化为(2)和(3)。吡啶与马来酸、4 与乙炔二甲酸酯、5 和 9-苯醌反应生成两性离子。Acheson, Adv. 杂环化学, 1963, 1, 125.E. de Barry Barnett, J. W. Cook, and E. P. Driscoll,K. Dennis, A. R. Katritzky, and M. Ramaiah, J.C.S.* 0.Lutz, Ber., 1910, 43, 2636.J .C h e m Soc., 1923, 123, 503.I'erkiTz I, 1975, 1506.C h e m Soc., 1923, 123, 503.I'erkiTz I, 1975, 1506.(英文)然而,我们在酞嗪系列中的相应研究表明,环加合物的形成可能是第一步。3-羟基吡啶与甲基丙烯酸酯和丙烯腈的反应构成简单的一步法,高产率地转化为复杂的托烷样化合物。不幸的是,3-羟基吡啶对许多其他缺电子添加物没有反应性:N-苯基马来酰亚胺、2-和4-乙烯基吡啶、马来酸二乙酯、富马酸酯和偶氮二甲酸酯、苯基乙烯基和二乙烯基酮、肉桂酸甲酯、苯乙烯、巴豆三苯、甲基丙烯酸酯、met hacrylaldeh yde、苯基pro-piolat e、t e t rac yanoe t h ylene和f umaroni t rile。3-羟基吡啶Cycloadducts.-l,S-偶极环加成反应是可逆的热?光~半,~和电子冲击.1° 两种环加合物混合物 [(8) + (11) 和 (9) + (12)] 在低温条件下进行逆向 l,3-偶极环加成反应 [回流二甲苯 (138 “C) 或升华 (120 ”C at 1 mmHg)] 得到 3-羟基吡啶.我们试图利用这种逆反应来合成取代的吡啶。异构体环加合物(8)和(11)在Pd-Cred烷上的饱和产物(16)上氢化,其容易与苯甲醛形成亚苄衍生物(17)和(18)。我们未能将亚苄基衍生物(17)和(18)转化为4-苄基-3-羟基吡啶(19),通过热诱导的双键迁移[到(22)],然后是retro-l,3-偶极环加成。用二氯甲烷中的溴处理异构体环加合物(8)和(11),通过溴化反应,然后进行脱氢溴化,得到3-溴衍生物(23)和(24);分离出外异构体(24)。外异构体(24)在180“C下升华1 mmHg,产生4-溴-3-羟基吡啶(20)作为CN bo(16)119)R:CH2Ph(20)R:Br(211 R:OHCNI221季盐(25)通过热诱导的retro-1,3-偶极环加成。然而,试图通过处理 8 R. Hujsgen, H. Hauck, R. Grashey, and H. Seidl, Chem.Bey., 1968, 101, 2568.K. Burger and J. Fehn, Tetyahedron Lettevs, 1972, 1263.10 Y .野村、F. Furusaki 和 Y .竹内,J .Org. Chem.,1972, 37, 5022336 J.C.S. 珀金二氢化环加合物 (16) 与二氧化硒未能产生关键的中间体 1,2-二羰基化合物 (26)。环加合物(5)型的酮基对传统的羰基试剂(包括Wittig和Grignard试剂)不反应,可能是由于N-CH,wCH的空间位阻。CN集团。然而,环戊二烯单体在外加合物(11)的活化3,4-双键处进行了Diels-Alder环加成反应,从而产生加合物(27).N.m.r.光谱表明环戊二烯的加成(H-1信号是单态的).1-苄基-3-氧代~y~idiniu~.-Shapiro等人aL12报道了1-苄基-3-羟基吡啶溴化物(28)及其在丙-1-01-甲醇中与钠一起转化为水合的1-苄基-3-氧化吡啶(4),但之前没有描述过1,3-偶极添加物。我们从I-苄基-3-羟基吡啶溴化物l2(28)和三乙胺原位制备了1-苄基-3-氧代吡啶(4);用丙烯腈产生异构环加合物 (29) 和 (30) (1 : 1),如 I.R.ANDN.M.R. 所示。甜菜碱 (4) 与相对不反应的 l3addend、苯乙烯同时产生 6-内膜环加合物 1-12(231 R':H,R2:CN~ 2 4 ) R ' - c N , ~ ~ = H (251CN1261 1271(31) [内立体化学遵循 H-5,-H-6 偶联 (6.0 Hz)] 和 6-外环加合物 (32)[J5,s 0 Hz]。N-苯基马来酰亚胺与甜菜碱 (4) 反应仅形成外环加合物 (33)环加合物混合物 [(29) 和 (30)] 氢化为饱和化合物 (34)。异构体混合物 [(29) 和 (30)] 的季铵化意外产生 (35),通过碘化苄从初始产物中解离,然后进一步甲基化我们之前已经证明 l4 3-羟基吡啶与苄炔反应(通过邻氨基苯甲酸的重氮化制备 l5)形成 5,9-二氢-lO-苯基1-5,9-11 T.Momose、S. Atarashi 和 0.Muraoka, TetrahedronLetters, 1974, 3697.l2 S. L. Shapiro, K. Weinberg, and L. Freedman, J .Amer.Chem. Soc., 1959, 81, 5141.l3 R. Huisgen, R. Grashey, and J. Sauer in 'The Chemistryof Alkenes', ed.S.帕泰,《国际科学》,伦敦,1964年,第S66页。(J1.7 = J S . 6 = 0 H4.(10) *亚氨基苯并环庚烯-6-酮 (36).加合物(36)与间氯过苯甲酸得到化合物(38)(39),m.p.137-138“C,其中i.r.和n.m.r.光谱ICH2Ph1281R'bo(30 I RLCN,R~=H(31 I R'-H ,R2:Ph0 N R~~~~~~(321 R':P h,R2=HNC(35)数据表明硝基互变异构结构(39)。该反应可能通过中间体 N-氧化物 (37) 进行,该中间体 N-氧化物会裂解 C(5)-N 键(方案)。L(361 (3711(39 1 I381SCHEMEEXPERIMENTALM.p.s 用 Reichert 仪器测定。使用 Perkin-Elmer 257 光栅分光光度计、Hitachi-Perkin-Elmer RMU-6Emass 光谱仪、Unicam SP 800A UV 分光光度计和瓦里安 HA-100 n.m.r. 光谱仪记录光谱。将 Com-pounds 纯化,直到通过 t.1.c 观察到它们为单点。硅胶 GF 254.8-( 2-氰乙基) -2-氧代-8-氮杂双环唑[3.2.l]辛-3-烯-6-外-和 -6-内-甲腈Ze, ( 1 1) * 和 (8) * .-3-羟基-l4 N.Dennis, A. R. Katritzky, and S. K. Parton, J.C.S.Perkin I .1976. 2285.l5 L. Friedman 和 F. M. Logullo, J .Amer. Chem. SOL, 1963,85, 15491976吡啶(9.5g,0.1mol),丙烯腈(90ml)和氢醌(20mg)在回流下加热25小时。除去过量的丙烯腈(40“C,5mmHg),冷却残渣二次色谱[氧化铝,H型;CH,Cl,-轻质石油(b.p.40-60“C)(3:1),然后CH,C12]得到黄色粘稠油(18.1g,90%)(n.m.r.显示 endo : exo ratio 50 : 50)。在0“C下几天后,Et20(170ml)中的混合加合物(0.30g)沉积了外环加合物(11)为淡黄色针状(0.092g,30%),熔点72-73”C(来自Et,O)(发现:C,65.8;H,5.5;N, 20.7.C1,HllN,O 要求 C, 65.7;H,5.5;N,20.9%);v,, (Nujol) 2 244 (m) 和 1 690 cm-1 (a,p-unsat. ketone G O ) ;(环氧乙基)222 nm(log E 2.95);男/女 201.尝试从母液中分离纯内切环加合物 (8) 失败,但得到了用于 n.m.r. 研究的富集混合物(n.m.r. endo:exo ratio 60 : 40)。将混合环加合物(0.94g,0.004 7 mol),2,4-二硝基苯肼(0.92g,0.004 7 mol),EtOH-四氢呋喃(2:5,70 ml)和HC1(2滴)在室温下搅拌10 h。用EtOH(5ml)洗涤固体,并通过制备型厚层色谱法(Kieselgel PF 254;四氢呋喃)纯化2,4-二硝基苯Z-腙(13)(来自EtOH),m.p.215-219“C(分解)。(发现:C,53.3;H,4.2;N,25.7。C17H15N70,要求C,53.5;H,4.0;N,25.7%);将8-(2-IMetho.rycarbonyZethyZ)-2-氧代-8-氮杂环己烷Zo-[3.2.1]辛-3-烯-6-外生和-6-内羧基Zate,(12)*和(9).*-3-羟基吡啶(9.5g,0.1 mol),丙烯酸甲酯{SO ml)和对苯二酚(20mg)加热回流18 h。除去过量的丙烯酸甲酯(40“C,5mmHg),残留物色谱[氧化铝,H型;轻质石油(B.P.60-80“C)CH,Cl,(2:3)J,得到含有(50:50)外加合物和内加合物(12)和(9)的黄色粘稠油(23.1g,86.5%)(50)(12)和(9)(Found:C,58.4;H,6.3;第 5.4 条。C,,H,,NO,需要 C, 58.4;H,6.4;N,5.2%);v,, (薄膜) 1725 (酯 G O ) 和 1 685 cm-l (cr,p-unsat.ketone G O ) ;m/e 267.Retvo-l,3-dipoZar CycZoadditions.-(i) 混合 8-(2-氰辛基)-2-氧代-8-氮杂双环[3.2.l]辛-3-烯-6-外-和 6-内-甲腈 (11) 和 (8) (50 : 50) (0.25 g , 1.3 x 10“11101) nere 加热 (120 ”C at 1 mmHg) .3-羟基吡啶(0.12g,98%)收集在冷指上作为平板,m.p.129“C(混合m.p.129”C)。(ii)将混合甲基S-(2-甲氧羰基乙基)-2-氧代-8-氮杂双环[3.2.l]辛-3-烯-6-外和-6-内羧基-Iates (12)和(9)(50:50)(0.4 g,1.5 x lo-,mol)加热(140“C,0.2 mmHg)以得到3-羟基吡啶(0.13 g,95%).8-(Z-氰基乙酰基)-2-氧代-8-氮杂双环[3.2.l]辛烷-6-外-和- 6-内甲酰基 ( 16) .-异构体环加合物(8)和(11)(2.01 g, 0.01 mol)在EtOAc(250ml)中在氢气下在20“C下振荡,超过Pd-C(10%;100mg)蒸发溶液3小时,得到异构体混合物(16),为粘稠油(1.88g,90%),蒸馏时不结晶分解(发现:N,20.7。C,,H,,-N30需要N,20.7%);vmX。(fiIm) 2 238 ( E N ) 和 1 725cm-l (饱和酮 G O ) ;m/e 203.3-苄基齐德尼-8-(2-氰基乙基Z)-8-氮杂双环[3.2.1]辛烷-6-外-和-6-内-ca~bonitrit~ (18) * 和 (1 7) .*-NaOHsolution (0.5毫升;5~)滴加环加合物(16)(1.0g,0.005mol),在17-20“C中搅拌新鲜蒸馏的苯甲醛(0.53g,0.005mol)的无水乙醇(50ml)。2 小时后,将 EtOH 蒸发掉 2337。取残留物在CHCI(50ml)中,用水(30ml)洗涤溶液,干燥(Na,SO,)并蒸发。残留的粘稠油(1.16 g,SOYo;endo : ex0 1 : 1 by n.m.r.)通过制备t.1.c分离。[硅溶胶PF 254;苯-EtOAc(1:l)]。外腈(18)为黄色晶体,m.p.107-108“C(0.58g,50%)(EtOH)(发现:C,73.8;H,5.8;N,14.2。C,,H,,N,O 需要 C, 74.2;H,5.9;N,14.4%);vm, (CHBr,) 2 239 (EN), 1700 (ap-unsat.ketone GO), 和 1 600 cm-l (C=C);A,, (EtOH) 208 (logt 3.204)、227 (3.398)、231 (3.380) 和 301 nm (3.875);M/E 291.内腈(17)形成粘稠胶(0.46 g,40%);(CHBr,) 2 240 ( E N ) , 1 700 (ap-unsat.ketone GO) 和 1 598 cm-l (C=C) ;A、、(EtOH)209 (log E3.69)、225 (3.68) 和 300 nm (3.99);m/e 291.4-溴-8-( 2-氰基乙脈Z)-2-氧代-8-氮杂环藻[ 3.2.lloct-3-烯-6-外-和-6-内-甲腈 (24) * 和 (23) .-溴 (2.6 ml, 5.1 x lo-, mol) 在 CH2Cl 中滴加加入 (1 1) 和 (8)(10.05 g, 0.05 mol) 在 CH2Cl 中,(400 ml) 中。将溶液在17-20“C下搅拌4h,然后加入更多的溴(2.6ml)inCH,Cl,(100ml)。8小时后,将溶液倒出,将橙胶溶解在CHC1中,(500ml);用NaHCO,-H,O洗涤该溶液,干燥(Na,SO,),浓缩(至50ml)。黄色沉淀物由EtOH结晶,得到外溴衍生物(24)(2.8g,20y0),为淡黄色针状物,熔点130“C(发现:C,46.8;H,3.8;N,15.1;Br, 28.5.C,,H,,BrN,O 需要 C, 47.1;H,3.6;西,15.0;Br,28.6%);VWX。(Nujol) 2 240 ( E N ) , 1 700 (wp-unsat. ketoneC=O), 和 1 585 cm-l (C=C);一个;(乙醇)250 nm (log E3.95);m/e 280.内溴衍生物(23)不能分离。8-(在室温下,将2-氰基乙醚Z)-2-氧代-8-氮杂环己二烯(5×低3摩尔)与Cyc1戊二烯-环加合物(11)(1.0g,2.6×10-3mol)和过量的环戊二烯(单体)(5×low3 mol)在四氢呋喃(20ml)中搅拌14天。在真空下(50“C,12mmHg)除去四氢呋喃。用厚层色谱法[Kieselgel PF 254;benzene-EtOAc(3 : l)]纯化黄色胶质,得到12-(2-氰乙基)-8-氧代-12-氮杂四环Zo-[7.2.13~6~02~7]trtdec-4-ene-ll-carbonitriZe(27)*(0.34g,50%)作为棱镜,m.p.140-144“C(来自EtOH)(Found:C,71.6;H,6.3;N,15.4。Cl6HI7N,O要求C,71.9;H,6.4;N,15.7%);vmx. (CHBr,) 2 230 (EX) 和 1 715cm-l (饱和酮 G O ) ;m/e 267.化合物(23)和(24)的逆向-1,3-二极环加成反应.-环加合物(23)和(24)的混合物(1.39 g,4.96 x lo-, mol) 当加热 (180 “C at 1 mmHg) 时,在冷手指上给予盐 (25) (水针) (0.43 g,50%),熔点 295 ”C (分解;密封管) (发现: C , 33.8;H,2.3;溴,44.9;N,8.1。C,,H,Br,N,O,要求C,34.5;H,2.3;溴,46.0;N,8.1%);6 (D,O) 7.7 (2H, d, J 7 Hz)、8.60 (2 H, d, J 7 Hz)、8.64 (1 H, d, H-2', J 1 Hz) 和 8.68(1 H, d, H-2, J 1 Hz) ;rn/e 186 (无 M+).8-苄基Z-2-氧代-8-氮杂霉素Zo C3.2.lloct-3-烯-6-内-和-6-外-甲腈, (29) * 和 (30).*-N-苄基-3-羟基吡啶溴化物l2(28)(7.98g,0.03mol),对苯二酚(0.05g)和Et,N(3.13g,0,031mol)在丙烯腈(60ml)中回流加热16 h。冷却后,滤去Et3N,HCl并丢弃。将滤液蒸发至干,所得胶色谱图(氧化铝;CH,CI,)得到混合的内切和外加合物(1:1)(29)和(30)(3.7克,80%)WHIC2338 J.C.S. Perkin I无法分离或结晶(Found: C, 75.3;H,5.9;N,11.4。C15H14N20 要求 C,75.6;H,5.9;N,11.8%);(Nujol) 2 230 (En'), 1692 (up-unsat.ketone G O ) , 1 490, 1 455, 730, and 695 cm-l (arom.C=C) ;LX的。(乙醇)218 nni (log E 4.049) ;rn/e 238.8-苄基-6-内基-和-B-外苯基-8-氮杂双环[ 3.2.11-辛-3-烯-2-酮,(31)*和(32).*-N-苄基-3-羟基吡啶溴化物(28)(3.0g,0.011mol),对苯二酚(0.05g),苯乙烯(37g,0.3mol)和Et,N(3ml)在四氢呋喃(60ml)中回流加热48小时。将滤液蒸发(40“C,12mmHg),并在氧化铝上色谱[Brocknianngrade 1,中性(100g);甲苯-EtOAc (2 : l)]。蒸发洗脱液,所得黄色胶质(1.8g,80%)通过制备t.1.c分离。[KieselgelPF 254; benzene-EtOAc (9 : l)]。分离出外-6-苯基环加合物(32)(0.1g,3.3%)为黄色针状,m.p. 1OP-106“C(来自EtOH)(发现:C,82.5;H,6.5;N, 4.8.C,,H,,NO 需要 C, 83.0;H,6.6;N,4.8%);vmX. (CHBr,) 1 679 (ap-unsat. ketone G O) , 1 600 和 1 500cm-l (苯 C=C);La,(EtOH)218 nm(log E 3.97);新西兰/东 289.内切-6-苯基环加合物(31)(1.1g,36%)被分离为蜡状固体n1.p。50“C;VNLAX的。(CHBr,)1 680 (rxp-unsat. ketone G O) , 1601, and 1 499 cm-l (benzeneC X ) ;阿马克斯。(环氧乙烷)218 nm (log E 4.017);男/公 289;苦味酸,n1.p.156“C(分解)(来自 EtOH)(发现:C,59.4;H,4.2;N,10.8;C,,H,,N,O,需要 C,60.2;H,4.3;N,10.8%);vlmAx (CHBr,) 3 380 (苯酚 O-H) 和 1 705cm-l (ccp-unsat. 酮 GO).S-苄基-2-氧代-8-氮杂双环[3.2.1]辛-3-烯-6-内-nnd -6-外-甲腈, (29) 和 (30) .-异构体混合物 (29) 和 (30) ( 1 g, 0.004 mol) 在 MeCN (20 ml) 中用 Me1 (10 ml) 在 20 “C 下处理 30 天.四分之一盐(35)为黄色针状(200 nig,12.5y0),m.p. 150“C(来自MeCN)(发现:C,39.7;H,4.7;N,9.0;我,37.6。C,,Hl,IN,O需要C,39.5;H,4.3;N,9.2;I,41.7%);vmaX。(Nujol) 2 240 (CEN) 和 1 710 cm-l(ap-unsat.酮 G O ) .8-苄基-2-氧代-8-生双环[3.2.l]辛烷-6-外-和-6-内甲腈 (34) .-环加合物混合物 (29) 和 (30) (1.19 g, 0.05 mol) 在无水 EtOH (50 ml) 中于 20 “C 氢化,超过 Pd-C (10%;50mg)3小时。蒸发溶液,得到氢化玉米磅(34),为淡黄色粘稠油(0.94g,79%),不能结晶(Found:C,74.0;H,6.8;N,11.4。C15H,,N,0 需要 C, 75.0;H,6.7;N,11.7%);vmax(薄膜)2 230 (C-N)、1725 (sat.ketone GO)、1490、1 450 和 695 cm-I (arom.C=C) ;240.8-苄基-2-氧代-8-氮杂双环[3.2.l]辛-3-烯-6-外,7-外-N-苯基二甲酰亚胺 (33)。*-N-苄基-3-羟基吡啶溴化铵(28)(2.66g,0.01rnol),N-苯基马来酰亚胺(1.9g,0.011mol)和Et,N(1.11g,0.011mol)在四氢呋喃(20ml)中回流加热47小时。浓缩滤液(40“C,12 mmHg),残留物(2.35 g,65.5%)通过厚层色谱法分离[Kieselgel PF 254;苯-EtOAc(4:1)(两项开发)]。外加合物(33)被分离出淡黄色针状物,m.p.134“C(来自EtOH)(发现:C,73.3;H,5.0;N,8.0。C,,H1,N,O,要求C,73.7;H,5.1;N,7.8%);v,, (CHBr,) 1715 (酰亚胺 G O) , 1675 (ap-unsat. 酮 GO), 1 600 和 1500 cm-l (苯C=C) ;Lx. (EtOH) 218 nm (log E 4.006) ;vn/e 358.5,g-二氢-1 O-苯基-5,g-亚氨基苯并环-羟基-6-酮(36)与间氯过苯甲酸的反应-环加合物(36)(1.3g,5.2 x mol)和间氯过苯甲酸(0.将91g,6.6 x lo-,mol)的CH,Cl,(100ml)在22“C下搅拌30 niin。将混合物用50洗涤;NaHCO,(20ml),然后加水(20ml),干燥(Na,SO,),并蒸发,残留的红油进行色谱图(氧化铝;CH,Cl,)得到化合物(39)(0.58g,42%)作为橙色板,熔点137-138“C(来自MeOH)(发现:C,78.1;H,4.8;N,5.3。C,,H,,NO,要求C,77.6;H,5.0;N,5.3%)。我们感谢 E. Lunt 博士(May 和 Baker,Dagenhani)的讨论。我们感谢匈牙利布达佩斯的Chinoin Pharmaceuticaland Chemical Works Ltd.和日本大阪的Takeda Chemical Industries Ltd.分别向J.F.和T.M.请假。[5/2476 收稿日期, 1975-12-18




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