首页> 外文期刊>international endodontic journal >Capacity of anaerobic bacteria enclosed in a simulated root canal to induce inflammation

Capacity of anaerobic bacteria enclosed in a simulated root canal to induce inflammation




Summary.In an effort to simulate the infected dental root canal, bactria were enclosed in polyethylene tubes that were subcutaneously implanted into rats. Four different bacterial combinations, selected from nine oral species, were tested. The contents of 144 inoculated and implanted ‘root canals’ were analysed after 2 and 4 weeks of implantation.Bacteroides. Streptococcus, ActinomycesandFusobacteriumwere inoculated in low numbers but dominated the mixed flora at the end of the experiment. The bacteria‐filled tubes induced inflammation of the rat tissue at the implant opening (‘foramen’). It is confirmed that mixed bacterial populations survive, show succession and develop within an enclosed environment. Such florae cause significant inflammation at the interface with the hos
机译:Summary.In 模拟受感染的牙根管,双歧杆菌被封闭在聚乙烯管中,这些管被皮下植入大鼠体内。测试了从九种口服物种中选出的四种不同的细菌组合。在植入 2 周和 4 周后分析了 144 个接种和植入的“根管”的内容物。拟杆菌属。链球菌、放线菌和梭杆菌的接种数量很少,但在实验结束时在混合菌群中占主导地位。充满细菌的管子在植入物开口处(“孔”)诱导大鼠组织发炎。已证实,混合细菌种群在封闭环境中存活、演替和发育。这种菌群在与 hos 的界面处引起显着的炎症




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