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Evaluation of the transverse metatarsal arch of the foot with gait analysis.


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BACKGROUND: The existence of the transverse metatarsal arch (TMA) of the foot is a point of controversy. According to Kapandji, TMA of the foot elevates the 2(nd) to 4(th) metatarsal heads. Some authors suggest the existence of TMA, while others suggest that there is no functional metatarsal arch of the foot. In this study, we evaluated the existence of TMA of the foot and weight distribution on the metatarsal heads with the EMED-SF (Novel H, Munich, Germany) plantar pressure analysis system. METHODS: The test was performed with 16 volunteers. According to the three functional columns of the foot, the metatarsal region of pressure picture obtained from the EMED-SF system was divided into three regions called 'masks'. Mean pressures in the masks were calculated at the mid-stance phase. RESULTS: The highest mean pressure recorded was located at the 2nd to 3rd metatarsal heads (7.96 N/cm(2)), and the second highest pressure was at the heel (6.55 N/cm(2)). The pressures of the 1st metatarsal and 4th-5th metatarsal heads were 4.86 and 6.26 N/cm(2), respectively. The difference between the pressure distributions under metatarsal heads was statistically significant ( p=0.000). CONCLUSION: According to our results, TMA of the foot does not exist as described by Kapandji.
机译:背景:足部横跖弓 (TMA) 的存在是一个争议点。根据 Kapandji 的说法,足部的 TMA 将第 2(nd) 至第 4(th) 跖骨头抬高。一些作者认为存在 TMA,而另一些作者则认为足部没有功能性跖弓。在这项研究中,我们使用 EMED-SF(Novel H,慕尼黑,德国)足底压力分析系统评估了足部 TMA 的存在和跖骨头上的重量分布。方法: 对 16 名志愿者进行了测试。根据足部的三个功能柱,从EMED-SF系统获得的压力图像的跖骨区域被分为三个区域,称为“面罩”。在站立中期计算面罩中的平均压力。结果:记录的最高平均压力位于第2至第3跖骨头(7.96 N/cm(2)),第二高压力位于足跟(6.55 N/cm(2))。第1跖骨头和第4-5跖骨头的压力分别为4.86和6.26 N/cm(2)。跖骨头下压力分布差异有统计学意义(p=0.000)。结论:根据我们的研究结果,足部的TMA并不像Kapandji所描述的那样存在。




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