首页> 外文期刊>Research & reviews in electrochemistry >The polyvinyl alcohol/phosphomolybdic acid membrane for Zinc bromine redox flow battery

The polyvinyl alcohol/phosphomolybdic acid membrane for Zinc bromine redox flow battery

机译:The polyvinyl alcohol/phosphomolybdic acid membrane for Zinc bromine redox flow battery

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A novel membrane of the flow zinc-bromine battery is designed and fabricated to improve the energy density of zinc-bromine flow battery. Polyvinyl alcohol/ phosphomolybdicacid (PVA/POM) membrane which is a kind of ordinary high water-content of non-ionic membrane is fabricated for zincbromine redox flow battery. Themicrostructure and properties of the membrane were characterized by water uptake test, swelling rate test, UV spectrum test, infrared spectroscopy test and thermal stability test. The electrochemical of the membrane was examined by electrochemical analyzer. Compared with the performance of the traditional zinc-bromine flow battery, the results show that PVA/POM acid membrane is a promising material for zinc-bromine redox flow battery.




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