首页> 外文期刊>Archives of orthopaedic and trauma surgery >Arthroscopical removal of a projectile from the intra-articular cavity of the knee joint.

Arthroscopical removal of a projectile from the intra-articular cavity of the knee joint.


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We report the case of a 29-year-old patient with an uncommon handgun accident. A gun was resting in his pocket when an accidental shot was fired. The projectile penetrated the skin of the thigh, travelled through the quadriceps muscle and entered the articular cavity at the upper pole of the suprapatellar recess. It passed the femoropatellar joint space and stopped within the infra-articular fad pad. The bullet was localized by conventional X-rays and removed by arthroscopy. The patient developed no infection, and in a clinical follow-up examination 6 months postoperatively, we observed no pathological findings.
机译:我们报告了一名 29 岁患者的病例,该患者发生了一起罕见的手枪事故。一把枪放在他的口袋里时,意外开了一枪。弹丸穿透大腿皮肤,穿过股四头肌并进入髌上凹陷上极的关节腔。它穿过股骨颌关节间隙并停在关节下时尚垫内。子弹通过常规 X 射线定位,并通过关节镜取出。患者未发生感染,术后6个月的临床随访检查中,未发现病理发现。




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