首页> 外文期刊>BioControl: Journal of the International Organization for Biological Control >Leaf nutrient levels and the spatio-temporal distributions of Plutella xylostella and its larval parasitoids Diadegma insulare and Microplitis plutellae in canola

Leaf nutrient levels and the spatio-temporal distributions of Plutella xylostella and its larval parasitoids Diadegma insulare and Microplitis plutellae in canola

机译:油菜中木芪及其幼虫寄生虫Diadegma insulare和Microplitis plutellae的叶片养分水平及时空分布

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Seasonal distribution patterns of the diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella (L.) (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae), and its principal parasitoids Diadegma insulare (Cresson) (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) and Microplitis plutellae (Muesebeck) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) were investigated over three site-years in commercial fields of canola (Brassica napus L.) in southern Alberta, Canada. The sampling of P. xylostella, D. insulare, and M. plutellae from points arranged in grid patterns, together with the mapping and analysis of their spatial distributions over time, generated a detailed picture of the pattern of crop infestation by the herbivore and its parasitoids. Plutella xylostella exhibited significant aggregations on different scales most often when its host plants were in early flowering. Diadegma insulare adults exhibited significant aggregated distributions during early flowering and distributions subsequently became more uniform as the wasps moved into the crop later in the season. However, M. plutellae distributions were aggregated in mid flowering in only one site-year. The close spatial associations between densities of D. insulare and P. xylostella indicated that host abundance was the main determinant of parasitoid distribution patterns. Spatial distributions of nutrient contents in leaf tissue and their spatial associations with the herbivore and parasitoids were also investigated. Significant spatial associations existed between certain nutrients (e.g. nitrogen, sulfur, and potassium) and P. xylostella distributions. Sulfur exhibited a positive effect on the distributions of D. insulare but not of M. plutellae. We observed similar relationships between nutrients and the distribution of P. xylostella parasitoids as for nutrients and P. xylostella, but these relationships lacked consistency and may be the results of the spatial associations between the parasitoids and their hosts. Aggregated distributions of adults and larvae of P. xylostella hold promise for spatially targeted insecticidal applications as a means for reducing the environmental impact of insecticides on nontarget and beneficial species in canola agroecosystems.
机译:在加拿大阿尔伯塔省南部的油菜(Brassica napus L.)商业田中,研究了菱背蛾(Plutella xylostella (L.)(鳞翅目:Plutellidae)及其主要寄生虫Diadegma insulare(Cresson)(膜翅目:Ichneumonidae)和Microplitis plutellae(Muesebeck)(膜翅目:Braconidae)的季节性分布模式。从网格图案排列的点中取样木霉、岛叶松和木斑杆菌,以及它们随时间推移的空间分布的测绘和分析,产生了食草动物及其寄生虫侵染作物模式的详细图景。Plutella xylostella在不同尺度上表现出显著的聚集,最常在其寄主植株处于早期开花期。Diadegma insulare成虫在开花早期表现出显著的聚集分布,随着黄蜂在季节后期进入作物,分布随后变得更加均匀。然而,M. plutellae分布仅在一个地点年中期花期聚集。岛蛾和木芽密度之间的紧密空间关联表明,寄主丰度是类寄生虫分布模式的主要决定因素。研究了叶片组织中营养物质含量的空间分布及其与食草动物和寄生虫的空间关联。某些营养素之间存在显着的空间关联(例如氮、硫和钾)和木霉菌的分布。硫对岛蛾的分布有积极影响,但对蒺苇的分布没有影响。我们观察到营养物质与木霉类寄生虫分布之间的关系与营养物质和木糖假单胞菌相似,但这些关系缺乏一致性,可能是类寄生虫与其宿主之间空间关联的结果。木霉成虫和幼虫的聚集分布有望在空间上以杀虫剂为减少杀虫剂对油菜农业生态系统中非目标和有益物种的环境影响。




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