首页> 外文期刊>Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology: Revue Canadienne de phytopathologie >Message from the Editor-in-Chief/Message du rédacteur en chef

Message from the Editor-in-Chief/Message du rédacteur en chef

机译:Message from the Editor-in-Chief/Message du rédacteur en chef

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Beginning with this inaugural issue (January–March,2010), the Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology will bepublished by Taylor Francis Group, an internationalpublication company with main offices in Abingdon,Oxon, United Kingdom (www.Informaworld.com). The journal has benefited tremendously from its previousnine-year association with the National Research Council(NRC) Press located in Ottawa, Canada. We thank all of theeditorial staff at NRC who provided tremendous support andguidance to the journal and to the Canadian PhytopathologicalSociety (CPS) over the period 2001–2009.




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