首页> 外文期刊>aquaculture research >Growth and population structure of brown trout,Salmo trutta farioL., in homeothermous stream conditions from a management point of view

Growth and population structure of brown trout,Salmo trutta farioL., in homeothermous stream conditions from a management point of view

机译:褐鳟鱼(Salmo trutta farioL.)在恒温溪流条件下的生长和种群结构(从管理角度看)



Abstract.A brown trout,Salmo trutta farioL., population in homeothermous stream conditions was investigated in terms of age, length‐weight relationship, annual and seasonal growth, changes in seasonal condition and specific growth rates, as management variables. The growth of this species in the stream studied was very good, with the most rapid growth in the first year of its life (15·9cm) when the juvenile trout emerged early (April) from the stream bed. The greatest specific growth rate in length was between birth and the first year of life (182·6). There was an agreement between the condition factor (K) and the growth rate. The values of K, for the juvenile trout, increased continuously because these mainly resulted from their growth through the year. The growth of the two sexes was similar except for the period from October to February when the growth of males was higher than that of females. Also the growth for both sexes was well described by the Von Bertalanffy growth model. No effect was found on the growth rate of tagged and untagged fish.The density and biomass were low, ranging between 0·008 and 0·035 fish.m−2and 1·25 and 5·63 g.m2res
机译:摘要:以褐鳟鱼(Salmo trutta farioL.)为研究对象,以年龄、长重关系、年和季节生长、季节变化和比生长速率为管理变量。该鱼种在所研究的溪流中的生长非常好,在其生命的第一年(15·9厘米)生长最快,当时幼鳟鱼从河床中出现(4月)。出生至出生后第一年比增长率最高(182·6%)。条件因子(K)与生长率之间存在一致性。鳟鱼幼鱼的钾值不断增加,因为这些值主要是由于它们全年的生长。除了10月至2月期间雄性生长高于雌性外,两性生长相似。此外,冯·贝塔朗菲(Von Bertalanffy)增长模型很好地描述了两性的增长。对有标签和无标签的鱼的生长速度没有影响。密度和生物量较低,在0.008-0.035 fish.m−2和1·25和5·63 g.m2res之间




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