首页> 外文期刊>Weed Technology: A journal of the Weed Science Society of America >Synergism with Imazamox Co-applications for Red Rice Control

Synergism with Imazamox Co-applications for Red Rice Control


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A study was conducted at three locations in Louisiana to evaluate the interactions of imazamox at 44 g ai ha(1) mixed with propanil, thiobencarb, or with a prepackaged mixture of propanil plus thiobencarb. A synergistic response was observed for red rice control for all treatments at 14 days after treatments (DAT); however, at 21 DAT a neutral response was observed for imazamox mixed with propanil or thiobencarb. A synergistic response occurred for red rice control when imazamox was mixed with propanil plus thiobencarb at 3360 g ai ha(-1) for all evaluation dates; however, imazamox mixed with propanil plus thiobencarb at 1680 g ha(-1) resulted in synergism at the same evaluations except at 35 DAT with neutral response. Synergism was observed for barnyardgrass control with imazamox mixed with propanil plus thiobencarb at 3360 g ha(-1) at 35 and 49 DAT. The only antagonism observed for barnyardgrass control was at 42 DAT with imazamox plus propanil at 840 and 1680 g ha(-1) or mixed with the prepackage mixture at 1680 g ha(-1). Rice treated with imazamox mixed with propanil plus thiobencarb at 3360 g ha(-1) yielded 5770 kg ha(-1).
机译:在路易斯安那州的三个地点进行了一项研究,以评估 44 g ai ha(1) 与丙尼尔、硫本威或丙胺加硫本威的预包装混合物混合的 imazamox 的相互作用。在处理后14天(DAT)观察到所有处理的红米对照均有协同反应;然而,在 21 DAT 时,观察到 imazamox 与丙腈或硫本威混合的中性反应。在所有评价日期,当伊马唑莫与丙腈加硫本威混合时,红米对照产生了协同反应,浓度为3360 g ai ha(-1);然而,Imazamox 与丙腈加硫本威在 1680 g ha(-1) 的混合下在相同的评估下产生了协同作用,除了在 35 DAT 下具有中性反应。在35和49 DAT下,在3360 g ha(-1)的3360 g ha(-1)下,观察到imazamox与丙烷加硫本威混合的稗草防治协同作用。在稗草防治中观察到的唯一拮抗作用是在 42 DAT 下与 840 和 1680 g ha(-1) 的 imazamox 加丙烷或与 1680 g ha(-1) 的预包装混合物混合。用 imazamox 与丙腈加硫本威混合处理的水稻为 3360 g ha(-1),产量为 5770 kg ha(-1)。




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