首页> 外文期刊>BioControl: Journal of the International Organization for Biological Control >Nectar from oilseed rape and floral subsidies enhances longevity of an aphid parasitoid more than does host honeydew

Nectar from oilseed rape and floral subsidies enhances longevity of an aphid parasitoid more than does host honeydew


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Many adult parasitic Hymenoptera consume floral nectar and honeydew, although the latter is in most cases a 'bad meal' compared to floral nectars. Parasitoids of aphids, however, may be well-adapted to consuming honeydew when it is produced by their hosts. The nutritional value of honeydew for this group of parasitoids has often been tested against that of synthetic feeding solutions, but rarely against floral nectar. In the present work, the relative nutritional values of honeydew from the aphid Myzus persicae (Sulzer), nectar from two cultivars of oilseed rape (OSR) and nectars from four 'companion' plant species were assessed by testing their effect on the longevity of Diaeretiella rapae (McIntosh) Hymenoptera: Braconidae. Parasitoids fed on nectar from OSR lived longer than those fed on nectars of companion plants, or on water only. Diaeretiella rapae also lived longer when fed OSR nectar than when fed honeydew from M. persicae.
机译:许多成年寄生膜翅目食用花蜜和蜜露,尽管与花蜜相比,后者在大多数情况下是“糟糕的一餐”。然而,蚜虫的寄生虫可能很好地适应食用由宿主产生的蜜露。蜜露对这组类寄生虫的营养价值经常与合成饲料溶液的营养价值进行对比,但很少与花蜜进行对比。在本研究中,通过测试蚜虫 Myzus persicae (Sulzer) 的蜜露、两个油菜品种 (OSR) 的花蜜和四种“伴生”植物物种的花蜜对 Diaeretiella rapae (McIntosh) [膜翅目:Braconidae] 寿命的影响,评估了它们的相对营养价值。以OSR花蜜为食的类寄生虫比以伴生植物的花蜜为食或仅以水为食的寄生虫寿命更长。Diaeretiella rapae 在喂食 OSR 花蜜时也比喂食 M. persicae 蜜露时寿命更长。




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