首页> 外文期刊>journal of human virology >Perspectives and Needs for Health in the 21st Century20th-century Paradigms in 21st-century Science

Perspectives and Needs for Health in the 21st Century20th-century Paradigms in 21st-century Science

机译:21 世纪健康的观点和需求20 世纪科学范式



Summary:Countries in both the developed and developing world are expected to experience an unprecedented growth in the number of their elderly and decline in the number of their youth. This extraordinarily rapid aging of the world's population is a phenomenon without precedence in human history. Additionally, there is an increasing gap between the rich and poor both among and within nations. Both trends will not only constitute the primary health issues of the first decades of the 21st century but will also profoundly alter the world's economic, political, and social landscapes.Journal of Human Virology 2000;3:94-103 © Lippincott Williams Wilkins, Inc.
机译:预计发达国家和发展中国家的老年人数量将出现前所未有的增长,而青年人数将下降。世界人口的这种异常迅速的老龄化是人类历史上前所未有的现象。此外,国家之间和国家内部的贫富差距越来越大。这两种趋势不仅将构成21世纪头几十年的主要健康问题,而且还将深刻改变世界的经济、政治和社会格局。人类病毒学杂志 2000;3:94-103 © Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc.




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