首页> 外文期刊>European Journal of Forest Pathology >Possibilités d'infection du platane par Ceratocystis fimbriata f. platani après contamination de l'eau où se développent des racines blessées

Possibilités d'infection du platane par Ceratocystis fimbriata f. platani après contamination de l'eau où se développent des racines blessées




AbstractInfection of plane tree by Ceratocystis fimbriata f. platani after contamination of water as growing substrate of wounded roots.Plane tree seedlings (Platanus acerifolia) were cultivated during 1. year so as some roots emerged from the culture pot And grow in the water of a container placed below. In April, these roots were wounded and nearby, conidia suspension of C.fimbriata†.platamwas injected into the water. 1 month later, foliage of some seedlings began to wilt and after 2 months, 7 out of 12 plane trees were drying. The pathogen was recovered from all parts of the roots above the water level inside the pots and as high as the collar for 4 plant
机译:摘要梧桐树(Ceratocystis fimbriata f. platani)在水污染后对梧桐树的侵染作为受伤根系的生长基质。梧桐树幼苗(Platanus acerifolia)在1.年,以便一些根从培养盆中冒出来,并在下面放置的容器的水中生长。4月,这些根部受伤,附近,C.fimbriata†.platam的分生孢子悬浮液被注射到水中。1个月后,一些幼苗的叶子开始枯萎,2个月后,12棵梧桐树中有7棵干燥。病原体从根部的所有部分回收,高于花盆内的水位,最高可达 4 株植物的项圈




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