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Hemodynamic Effects of Magnesium Sulfate in Eclampsia




Magnesium sulfate is effective in the treatment of eclampsia as well as in that of essential hypertension. It has both anticonvulsive and hypertensive properties without deleterious effects on the fetus or newborn. The present authors report here the hemodynamic data gathered after intravenous administration of the drug in two patients with eclampsia, one of whom had pulmonary edema also.Patient 1, aged 22 years, with no remarkable medical history, was in the 37th week of her first pregnancy when hypertension (190/100 mm Hg) and proteinuria (3 gm/24 hours) were diagnosed. Her weight gain was 11 kg. The abrupt occurrence of convulsions led to a cesarean section and the birth of a normal infant weighing 2250 gm. New convulsions and a massive pulmonary edema occurred after the cesarean section. Upon admission, the patient had a PaO2at 24 mm Hg and a PCO2at 45 mm Hg under an FiO2of 0.5, and her pulmonary edema was rich in protein (49 gm/liter). An optic fundus examination showed papilledema, and the cranial tomodensitometer disclosed a cerebral edema. She was placed on artificial ventilation and given thiopental.After the administration of magnesium sulfate, the patient's blood pressure was reduced to 140/80 mm Hg, and convulsions did not reappear after discontinuation of thiopental 12 hours later. A brisk diuresis (1.81) occurred between the 4th and 7th hour after magnesium sulfate administration, resulting in a negative water balance. The pulmonary edema cleared up within 24 hours, and artificial ventilation was discontinued. The brain and papillary edemas disappeared also. A renal examination, made 2 months later, yielded normal results.Patient 2, aged 24 years, with a previous rapidly progressive extracapillary glomerulonephritis, was in the 24th week of her first pregnancy when she became oliguric in spite of plasmaphoresis treatment. Eclampsia developed in the 27th week, when the patient was edematous and hypertensive (190/110 mm Hg). After magnesium sulfate administration, blood pressure decreased to 135/100 mm Hg, and the convulsions ceased. Later hypertension and uremic state were controlled by beta-blockers and daily hemodialysis, but the fetus died 4 weeks later.Hemodynamic studies were performed in both cases by means of a Swan-Ganz catheter and thermodilution techniques. Before the administration of magnesium sulfate, and at 30, 60, and 120 minutes after, measurements were taken of the following: systemic blood pressure, right auricular pressure, pulmonary artery pressure, wedge pressure, and cardiac output. Systemic and pulmonary vascular resistances were derived from these measurements, and the cumulative water balance (infusion-diuresis) was calculated.The results are summarized in Tables 1 and 2. In both patients, after magnesium sulfate administration, there was a progressive fall in blood pressure. Cardiac output decreased, but systemic vascular resistance did not change. Wedge pressure, pulmonary artery pressure, and pulmonary vascular resistance decreased. Cumulative water balance during the first 120 minutes did not change significantly (-50 ml in patient 1 and +120 ml in patient 2).
机译:硫酸镁可有效治疗子痫和原发性高血压。它具有抗惊厥和高血压特性,对胎儿或新生儿没有有害影响。本文作者在此报告了两名子痫患者静脉注射药物后收集的血流动力学数据,其中一名患者也有肺水肿。患者 1 年龄 22 岁,无明显病史,在首次妊娠第 37 周诊断为高血压 (190/100 mm Hg) 和蛋白尿 (3 gm/24 小时)。她的体重增加了 11 公斤。抽搐的突然发生导致剖腹产和一名体重 2250 克的正常婴儿的出生。剖宫产后出现新的抽搐和大量肺水肿。入院时,患者 PaO2 为 24 mm Hg,PCO2 为 45 mm Hg,FiO2 为 0.5,肺水肿富含蛋白质 (49 gm/L)。视眼底检查显示视水肿,颅体测定仪显示脑水肿。她被置于人工通气状态并给予硫喷妥钠。硫酸镁给药后,患者的血压降至140/80毫米汞柱,12小时后停用硫喷妥钠后未再次出现抽搐。硫酸镁给药后第 4 小时和第 7 小时之间发生快速利尿 (1.81),导致水平衡为负。肺水肿在24小时内消失,并停止了人工通气。大脑和状水肿也消失了。2个月后进行肾脏检查,结果正常。患者 2 岁,24 岁,既往有快速进展的毛细血管外肾小球肾炎,在她第一次怀孕的第 24 周时,尽管进行了血浆溶解治疗,但她还是出现了少尿。子痫在第 27 周发生,当时患者出现水肿和高血压 (190/110 mm Hg)。硫酸镁给药后,血压降至 135/100 毫米汞柱,抽搐停止。后来高血压和尿毒症状态通过β受体阻滞剂和每日血液透析得到控制,但胎儿在4周后死亡。在这两种情况下,均通过Swan-Ganz导管和热稀释技术进行血流动力学研究。在给予硫酸镁之前以及之后 30、60 和 120 分钟,测量以下内容:全身血压、右耳压、肺动脉压、楔压和心输出量。从这些测量中得出全身和肺血管阻力,并计算累积水平衡(输注-利尿)。结果总结在表1和表2中。在两名患者中,硫酸镁给药后,血压逐渐下降。心输出量减少,但全身血管阻力没有改变。楔压、肺动脉压和肺血管阻力降低。前 120 分钟内的累积水平衡没有显着变化(患者 1 为 -50 ml,患者 2 为 +120 ml)。




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