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Imaging of Lymphoid Structures with Indium-111-labeled Lymphocytes




Schroeder S, Caughran M, Jochelson M, de Sousa M, Godleski JJ, Shulkin PM, Herman PG.Imaging of lymphoid structures with indium-111-labeled lymphocytes.The ability of indium-111 (111In)-oxine-labeled syngeneic lymphocytes to migrate normally and their suitability for imaging both normal lymphoid structures and those with metastatic disease were assessed. Sixty-two ACI rats were studied, 34 of which received injections in the left foot pad with 1 x 106syngeneic H-4-II-E hepatoma cells nine to 44 days before imaging. Most animals were bearing palpable tumors when imaged. In 53 experiments, 1-6 x 108 111In-oxine-labeled lymphocytes with a labeling concentration of 5-80 µCi/108cells were injected intravenously. Gamma camera images were obtained 22 hours later. After the last image, the animals were killed. The lymph nodes, liver, spleen, lungs, and left femur were dissected, and the recovered radioactivity was determined in a gamma well counter. Lymph nodes could be partially or completely visualized in 70 of the animals (15 tumorbearing and 16 normal out of 44 technically satisfactory experiments). Large metastatic nodes were seen clearly. Lymphocytes labeled with111In-oxine exhibited a normal migration from blood to lymph nodes.
机译:施罗德 S、考兰 M、乔切尔森 M、德索萨 M、戈德莱斯基 JJ、舒尔金 PM、赫尔曼 PG。用铟-111标记的淋巴细胞对淋巴结构进行成像。评估了铟-111 (111In)-氧杂标记的同基因淋巴细胞正常迁移的能力及其对正常淋巴结构和转移性淋巴结构成像的适用性。研究了 62 只 ACI 大鼠,其中 34 只在成像前 9 至 44 天接受了 1 x 106 同基因 H-4-II-E 肝癌细胞的左脚垫注射。大多数动物在成像时都带有可触及的肿瘤。在 53 个实验中,静脉注射 1-6 x 108 111 含氧辛标记的淋巴细胞,标记浓度为 5-80 μCi/108 细胞。22小时后获得伽马相机图像。在最后一张照片之后,动物被杀死了。解剖淋巴结、肝、脾、肺和左股骨,并在伽马井计数器中测定回收的放射性。淋巴结可以在70%的动物中部分或完全可见(在44个技术上令人满意的实验中,有15个是致瘤的,16个是正常的)。大的转移性淋巴结清晰可见。用 111In-oxine 标记的淋巴细胞表现出从血液到淋巴结的正常迁移。




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