首页> 外文期刊>investigative radiology >A Coherent/Compton Scattering Method for Measurement of Trabecular Bone Mineral Density in the Distal Radius

A Coherent/Compton Scattering Method for Measurement of Trabecular Bone Mineral Density in the Distal Radius




A new technique was developed for determination of the trabecular bone mineral density in the distal radius. The method is based on measurement of the intensity ratio of coherently and Compton scattered photons using a241Am radionuclide as the radiation source and a semiconductor crystal as the detector. The bone material consisted of 28 autopsy samples from distal radii of female subjects. A good correlation was observed between bone ash content and the coherent/Compton scattering ratio. The trabecular bone mineral density correlated well with the mineral density values obtained by the gamma transmission method. The method was reproducible within 3.
机译:开发了一种新技术来测定桡骨远端骨小梁的密度。该方法基于以a241Am放射性核素为辐射源,以半导体晶体为探测器,测量相干光子和康普顿散射光子的强度比。骨骼材料包括来自女性受试者桡骨远端的 28 个尸检样本。骨灰含量与相干/康普顿散射比之间具有良好的相关性。骨小梁密度与伽马传输法得到的矿物质密度值相关性较好。该方法在3%内可重现。




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