首页> 外文期刊>Journal of geophysical research >The global albedo of the Moon at 1064 nm from LOLA

The global albedo of the Moon at 1064 nm from LOLA


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The Lunar Orbiter Laser Altimeter (LOLA) measures the backscattered energy of the returning altimetric laser pulse at its wavelength of 1064 nm, and these data are used to map the reflectivity of the Moon at zero-phase angle with a photometrically uniform data set. Global maps have been produced at 4 pixels per degree (about 8 km at the equator) and 2 km resolution within 20 latitude of each pole. The zero-phase geometry is insensitive to lunar topography, so these data enable characterization of subtle variations in lunar albedo, even at high latitudes where such measurements are not possible with the Sun as the illumination source. The geometric albedo of the Moon at 1064 nm was estimated from these data with absolute calibration derived from the Kaguya Multiband Imager and extrapolated to visual wavelengths. The LOLA estimates are within 2 sigma of historical measurements of geometric albedo. No consistent latitude-dependent variations in reflectance are observed, suggesting that solar wind does not dominate space weathering processes that modify lunar reflectance. The average normal albedo of the Moon is found to be much higher than that of Mercury consistent with prior measurements, but the normal albedo of the lunar maria is similar to that of Mercury suggesting a similar abundance of space weathering products. Regions within permanent shadow in the polar regions are found to be more reflective than polar surfaces that are sometimes illuminated. Limiting analysis to data with slopes less than 10 eliminates variations in reflectance due to mass wasting and shows a similar increased reflectivity within permanent polar shadow. Steep slopes within permanent shadow are also more reflective than similar slopes that experience at least some illumination. Water frost and a reduction in effectiveness of space weathering are offered as possible explanations for the increased reflectivity of permanent shadow; porosity is largely ruled out as the sole explanation. The south polar crater Shackleton is found to be among the most reflective craters in its size range globally but is not the most reflective, so mass wasting cannot be ruled out as a cause for the crater's anomalous reflectance. Models of the abundance of ice needed to account for the reflectance anomaly range from 3 to 14 by weight or area depending on assumptions regarding the effects of porosity on reflectance and whether ice is present as patches or is well mixed in the regolith. If differences in nanophase iron abundances are responsible for the anomaly, the permanently shadowed regions have between 50 and 80 the abundance of nanophase iron in mature lunar soil.
机译:月球轨道器激光高度计 (LOLA) 测量返回的高度激光脉冲在其 1064 nm 波长处的背散射能量,这些数据用于绘制月球在零相位角的反射率和光度均匀的数据集。全球地图的制作速度为每度4像素(赤道约8公里),分辨率为2公里,在每极20个纬度内。零相位几何形状对月球地形不敏感,因此这些数据能够表征月球反照率的细微变化,即使在高纬度地区,以太阳为照明源也无法进行此类测量。月球在1064 nm处的几何反照率是根据这些数据估计的,绝对校准来自辉夜多波段成像仪,并推断为可见波长。LOLA 估计值在几何反照率历史测量值的 2 西格玛以内。没有观察到反射率的一致纬度变化,这表明太阳风并不主导改变月球反射率的空间风化过程。月球的平均正常反照率被发现远高于水星,与先前的测量结果一致,但月球玛丽亚的正常反照率与水星相似,表明太空风化产物的丰度相似。发现极地区域中永久阴影内的区域比有时被照亮的极地表面更具反射性。将分析限制在斜率小于 10 的数据中,可以消除由于质量浪费导致的反射率变化,并在永久极性阴影中显示出类似的反射率增加。永久阴影内的陡峭斜坡也比至少经历一些照明的类似斜坡更具反射性。水霜和空间风化效率的降低是永久阴影反射率增加的可能解释;孔隙率在很大程度上被排除在唯一的解释之外。南极陨石坑沙克尔顿被发现是全球范围内反射率最高的陨石坑之一,但不是反射率最高的陨石坑,因此不能排除质量浪费是陨石坑反射率异常的原因。解释反射率异常所需的冰丰度模型按重量或面积计算的范围为3%至14%,具体取决于孔隙度对反射率的影响以及冰是以斑块形式存在还是在风化层中充分混合的假设。如果纳米相铁丰度的差异是造成异常的原因,那么永久阴影区域的纳米相铁丰度是成熟月球土壤中纳米相铁丰度的50%至80%。




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