首页> 外文期刊>Molecular biology and evolution >Complete sequence, gene arrangement, and genetic code of mitochondrial DNAof the cephalochordate Branchiostoma floridae (Amphioxus)

Complete sequence, gene arrangement, and genetic code of mitochondrial DNAof the cephalochordate Branchiostoma floridae (Amphioxus)


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We have determined the 15,083-nucleotide (nt) sequence of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) of the lancelet Branchiostoma floridae (Chordata: Cephalochordata). As is typical in metazoans, the mtDNA encodes 13 protein, 2 rRNA, and 22 tRNA genes. The,gene arrangement differs from the common vertebrate arrangement by only four tRNA gene positions. Three of these are unique to Branchiostoma, but the fourth is in a position that is primitive for chordates. It shares the genetic code variations found in vertebrate mtDNAs except that AGA = serine, a code variation found in many invertebrate phyla but not in vertebrates (the related codon AGG was not found). Branchiostoma mtDNA lacks a vertebrate-like control region; its largest noncoding region (129 nt) is unremarkable in sequence or base composition, and its location between ND5 and rRNA(G) differs from that usually found in vertebrates. It also lacks a potential hairpin DNA structure like those found in many (though not in all) vertebrates to serve as the second-strand (i.e., L-strand) origin of replication. Perhaps related to this, the sequence corresponding to the DHU arm of tRNA(C) cannot form a helical stem, a condition found in a few other vertebrate mtDNAs that also lack a canonical L-strand origin of replication. ATG and GTG codons appear to initiate translation in 11 and 2 of the protein-encoding genes, respectively. Protein genes end with complete (TAA or TAG) or incomplete (T or TA) stop codons; the latter are presumably converted to TAA by post-transcriptional polyadenylation.
机译:我们已经确定了柳叶刀 Branchiostoma floridae (Chordata: Cephalochordata) 的线粒体 DNA (mtDNA) 的 15,083 个核苷酸 (nt) 序列。与后生动物一样,mtDNA 编码 13 个蛋白质、2 个 rRNA 和 22 个 tRNA 基因。该基因排列与普通脊椎动物排列仅区别四个tRNA基因位置。其中三个是Branchiostoma独有的,但第四个处于脊索动物的原始位置。它共享在脊椎动物 mtDNA 中发现的遗传密码变异,除了 AGA = 丝氨酸,这是一种在许多无脊椎动物门中发现的密码变异,但在脊椎动物中没有发现(未发现相关的密码子 AGG)。Branchiostoma mtDNA 缺乏类似脊椎动物的控制区;其最大的非编码区(129 nt)在序列或碱基组成上并不明显,其在ND5和rRNA(G)之间的位置与脊椎动物中常见的位置不同。它还缺乏潜在的发夹DNA结构,就像在许多(尽管不是全部)脊椎动物中发现的那样,可以作为复制的第二链(即L链)起源。也许与此相关,与tRNA(C)的DHU臂相对应的序列不能形成螺旋茎,这种情况存在于其他一些脊椎动物mtDNA中,这些mtDNA也缺乏经典的L链复制起源。ATG 和 GTG 密码子似乎分别在 11 个和 2 个蛋白质编码基因中启动翻译。蛋白质基因以完整(TAA或TAG)或不完整(T或TA)终止密码子结尾;后者可能通过转录后多聚腺苷酸化转化为 TAA。




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