首页> 外文期刊>journal of school health >A Profile of Rural Texas Adolescents Who Carry Handguns to School

A Profile of Rural Texas Adolescents Who Carry Handguns to School




ABSTRACT:Students in randomly selected eighth and 10th grade English classrooms (n = 1,072) in central Texas schools were surveyed in fall 1994 regarding carrying weapons to school and associated risk factors. Students who carried a handgun to school one or more times during the preceding 12 months were compared to those who had not done so, using discriminant analysis and chisquare. Gun carrying at school increased 138 from seven years earlier in the same area using the same survey procedures. Most students reported they carried a gun out of fear or anger. Those who carried a gun at school had extremely elevated rates of repeated victimization of several types during the previous year: 589 higher for attack at school. 552 higher for attack outside school supervision. 576 higher for attempts to force sex at school, and 216 higher for rape. They also were more likely to enter dangerous situations repeatedly, were 17 times more likely to have used crack cocaine, had less instruction on preventing violence, less knowledge about means of avoiding fighting, and felt an obligation to fight under a wider variety of situations. Study variables accurately classified 78.4 of gun carriers as such. Researchers concluded that efforts at prevention of handgun violence in schools should include interventions to increase the safety of a select group of vulnerable students, while providing psychological counseling to assist them in overcoming emotional effects of victimization as part of larger violence prevention efforts. (J Sch Health. 1996;66(1):18–2
机译:摘要: 1994 年秋季,对德克萨斯州中部学校随机选择的 8 年级和 10 年级英语教室 (n = 1,072) 的学生进行了关于携带武器上学和相关风险因素的调查。使用判别分析和卡方法,将在过去12个月内携带手枪上学一次或多次的学生与未携带手枪上学的学生进行比较。使用相同的调查程序,在同一地区,学校的枪支携带率比七年前增加了138%。大多数学生报告说,他们出于恐惧或愤怒而携带枪支。那些在学校携带枪支的人在过去一年中多次受害的几类比率极高:在学校袭击的比率高出589%。在校外监督之外的攻击高出 552%。在学校强迫性行为的企图高出576%,强奸高出216%。他们也更有可能反复进入危险境地,使用快克可卡因的可能性高出17倍,对预防暴力的指导较少,对避免战斗的方法了解较少,并且感到有义务在更广泛的情况下进行战斗。研究变量准确地将 78.4% 的枪支携带者归类为此类。研究人员得出的结论是,在学校预防手枪暴力的努力应包括干预措施,以提高特定弱势学生群体的安全,同时提供心理咨询,以帮助他们克服受害的情绪影响,作为更大的暴力预防工作的一部分。(J Sch Health.1996年;66(1):18–2




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