首页> 外文期刊>international endodontic journal >A morphometric analysis of the cross‐sectional area of dentine occupied by dentinal tubules in human third molar teeth

A morphometric analysis of the cross‐sectional area of dentine occupied by dentinal tubules in human third molar teeth




SummaryThe number and the mean percentage tubular cross‐sectional area of dentinal tubules per square millimetre were calculated in specimens of coronal dentine of 13 intact human third molar teeth from patients 18 to 28 years of age. The dentine was fractured at various known distances from the dentino‐enamel junction. Near the dentino‐enamel junction the number of tubules per square millimetre was 22 000 and the mean tubular cross‐sectional area was 3.6. Midway between the pulpal wall and the dentino‐enamel junction the number of tubules was 37000 mm−2and the mean tubular cross‐sectional area was 6.2. Close to the pulp the number of dentinai tubules was 48000 mm−2and the mean cross sectional area of tubules was 10.2 percent. The number of tubules per square millimetre more than doubled and the area occupied by tubules increased threefold from the dentine close to the dentine ‐enamel junction, to that close to the pulp. These differences in tubular patterns at different depths in dentine are clinically significant in dentine permeability, the treatment of traumatized teeth, and pain transm
机译:摘要在18至28岁患者的13颗完整的人类第三磨牙的冠状牙本质标本中计算了每平方毫米牙本质的管状横截面积的数量和平均百分比。牙本质在距牙本质-牙釉质交界处的不同已知距离处断裂。在牙本质-牙釉质交界处附近,每平方毫米的小管数量为22 000个,平均肾小管横截面积为3.6%。在牙髓壁和牙本质-牙釉质交界处的中间,小管数为37000 mm−2,平均管状横截面积为6.2%。靠近牙髓的牙本质小管数量为48000 mm−2,小管的平均横截面积为10.2%。每平方毫米的小管数量增加了一倍多,小管所占的面积增加了三倍,从靠近牙本质-牙釉质交界处的牙本质增加到靠近牙髓的牙本质。牙本质不同深度的管状模式的这些差异在牙本质通透性、创伤性牙齿的治疗和疼痛传递方面具有临床意义




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