首页> 外文期刊>international endodontic journal >A quantitative microleakage study on a new retrograde filling technique

A quantitative microleakage study on a new retrograde filling technique




Summary.Anin vitroendodontic leakage model was used to compare the sealing ability of conventional retrograde amalgam fillings with a new retrograde filling technique by measuring dye leakage quantitatively.The new technique consisted of retrograde preparation of the root canal using the Endocursor1, an endodontic handpiece. The canal was then filled with sealer and injection‐moulded gutta‐percha, using either the Hygenic Ultrafil2system or the Unitek Obtura3method. In both cases the guttapercha was vertically condensed and subsequently cold‐burnished.The two experimental groups and the amalgam group each consisted of 20 extracted human canine teeth and lower premolars. The results were analysed statistically by ANOVA and a Student‐Newman‐Keuls multiple comparison test. After 1 week at 37°C, very little leakage was observed in the amalgam and gutta‐percha groups. After a second week, during which leakage was enhanced by gas pressure, leakage in the amalgam group was significantly greater than that in the gutta‐percha groups (P0.01). There were no significant differences between the two experimental gutta‐percha groups. It is concluded that the new retrograde filling technique causes less leakage than the conventional amalgam retrograde filling technique in
机译:采用Anin体外牙髓渗漏模型,通过定量测量染料渗漏,比较传统逆行汞合金填充物与新型逆行填充技术的密封能力。这项新技术包括使用牙髓细胞手机 Endocursor1 逆行准备根管。然后使用Hygenic Ultrafil2system或Unitek Obtura3方法在运河中填充密封剂和注塑成型的牙胶。在这两种情况下,guttapercha 都是垂直浓缩的,然后进行冷抛光。两个实验组和汞合金组各由20颗提取的人犬齿和下前磨牙组成。通过方差分析和 Student-Newman-Keuls 多重比较检验对结果进行统计分析。在 37°C 下 1 周后,在汞合金和牙胶组中观察到很少的泄漏。第二周后,气体压力增强了泄漏,汞合金组的泄漏显著大于牙胶组(P0.01)。两个实验牙胶组之间没有显著差异。结果表明,与传统的汞合金逆行灌装技术相比,新的逆行灌装技术造成的泄漏更少。




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