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Apicophilicity of the benzoyl group in five-co-ordinate phosphoranes




1220 J.C.S. Perkia IApicophilicity of the Benzoyl Group in Five-co-ordinate PhosphoranesBy Stuart Trippett and Peter J. Whittle, Department of Chemistry, The University, Leicester LEI 7RHEvidence i s presented from the variable-temperature l H n.m.r. spectrum of 5- benzoyl-,4,6,9-tetraoxa-5-phosphaspiro4.4 nonane (9) that the apicophilicity of the bentoyl group is comparable tothose of the phenoxy- and phenylthio-groups. Benzoyldifluorodimethylphosphorane is pieDared from benzoyl-dimethylphosphine and xenon difluoride. Its low temperature l@F and l H n.m.r. spectra give some evidence forrestricted rotation round the equatorial P-benzoyl bond.ACYL groups are electronegative and x-acceptors. Interms of the analysis by Hoffmann, Howell, and Muet-terties of the factors determining the apicophilicity ofgroups in five-co-ordinate phosphoranes they wouldtherefore be expected to be highly apicophilic.As part1 R. Hoffmann, J . M. Howell, and E. L. Muetterties, J . Amer.Chem. SOC., 1972, 94, 3047.a E.g. S. Bone, S. Trippett. and P. J. Whittle, J.C.S. Perkh I ,1974, 2126; R. K. Oram and S. Trippett, ibid., 1973, 1300.of our work 2 aimed at defining the relative apicophilici-ties of groups attached to phosphorus in five-co-ordinatephosphoranes we now report on the benzoyl group.There are two previous reports on acylphosphoranes. Thebenzoyldifluorophosphorane (1) was tentatively identi-fied3 in solution (19F and 31P n.m.r. spectra) from theC. Brown, hl. Murray, and R.Schmutzler, J . Chem. SOC. (C),1970, 8781975 1221reaction of fluorodiphenylphosphine with benzoyl fluor-ide, whereas the spirophosphorane (4) was isolatedFPhC0-LMe I PhFfrom the reaction of dimethylketen lactone dimer (2) withthe phosphorodiamidite (3).Addition reactions of acylphosphetans did not lead toacylphosphoranes because of migration of the acyl groupsin dipolar intermediates. Thus the acylphosphetan (5), /Me(5)CICl(710p.p.m. to high field of 85 H,PO,), carbonyl absorptionat 1659 cm-l, and mass spectrum agree with this struc-ture. The proton n.m.r. spectrum at room temperatureconsists, in the methyl region, of two signals each equiva-lent to 12 protons, showing that, as expected, pseudo-rotation between the topomeric trigonal bipyramids (10)and (11; R = COPh) is rapid on the n.m.r.time-scale atthis temperature. This pseudorotation makes A 3 B andC = D. The two signals coalesce reversibly at 140 "C in1-bromonaphthalene ; this corresponds to a free energy ofactivation for the process leading to equivalence of themethyls of 20.9 kcal mol-I. The process involves pseudo-rotation to the phosphorane (12; R = COPh) having anapical benzoyl group and a diequatorial five-memberedIi, RLiii,PhCOCIq p ,COPh0-PO'ring. The analogous pseudorotation (1 1) 4 (12) whenR = H (ref. 5 ) has AG* 18.4 kcal mol-l indicating that inthis system a hydrogen atom is more apicophilic than abenzoyl group. As hydrogen is known2 to be moreapicophilic by 3 4 kcal mol-l than phenoxy- and phenyl-thio-groups this implies that the benzoyl group is similarin apicophilicity to these.Hoffmann predicted that with an equatorial n-acceptor group the preferred orientation would be withthe acceptor orbital in an apical plane and that thiscould, as with sr;-donor group^,^,^ lead to a considerablebarrier to rotation round the equatorial bond.We havesought this effect in benzoylphosphoranes.r 4a mixture of geometrical isomers, with hexafluoroacetonegave a product mixture whose acetyl signals appeared assinglets in the proton n.m.r. spectrum indicating that theywere no longer attached to phosphorus. Similarly fromtetrachloro-o-benzoquinone and (5) a mixture of isomeric2 : 1 adducts was isolated which are formulated as thephosphoranes (7) formed via migration of the acetylgroups in the 1 : 1 intermediates (6).Metallation of the tetraoxyspirophosphorane (8) withN-lithio-N-cyclohexylisopropylamine followed by treat-ment with benzoyl chloride gave the benzoylspirophos-phorane (9) in high yield.The 31P chemical shift (39.5W. G. Bentrude, W. D. Johnson, and W. A. Khan, J . Amer.D. Houalla, R. Wolf, D. Gagnaire, and K. B. Robert, Chem.Chem. SOC., 1972, 94, 923.Comm., 1969, 443.P A(131 (12)Treatment of phenyl dimethylphosphinite in trichloro-fluoromethane with xenon difluoride at low temperaturegave, after vigorous reaction, as the major product,E. L. Muetterties, P. Meakin, and R. Hoffmann, J. Amev.Chem. SOC., 1972, 94, 66741222 J.C.S.Perkin Idifluorodimethylphenoxyphosphorane,7 identified by its19F (doublet of septets, JPp 745, Jm 13 Hz, at +3-3p.p.m. relative to CFCl,) and lH (doublet of triplets, Jp=18, J ~ H 13 Hz, at 7 8.22) n.m.r. spectra. A similar reac-tion with benzoyldimethylphosphine gave one majorproduct (85 as judged by the 19F n.m.r. spectrum of theresulting solution). This was identified as the benzoyl-phosphorane (13) from its 31P (25 p.p.m. to high field of85 H,PO,), lsF (doublet of septets, JPF 627, JHF 13 Hz,at +29.3 p.p.m. relative to CFCl,), and lH (doublet oftriplets, JpH 18, J F H 13 Hz, a t T 8.0) n.m.r. spectra at roomtemperature.The lSF n.m.r. spectrum of (13) was unchanged at-100 "C but the methyl signals in the lH spectrumshowed considerable broadening at this temperature.Similarly the methyl signals in the lH n.m.r.spectrumof (9) were broadened considerably at -100 "C whilethe signals due to the benzoyl protons remained sharp.These results suggest that rotation round the equatorialP-benzoyl bond is slowing at -100 "C on the n.m.r.time-scale. with the benzoyl group preferring to be inthe equatorial plane. However the barrier to rotationmust be less than 8 kcal mol-l.EXPERIMENTALlgF N.m.r. spectra were obtained a t 56-4 M H z and 31Pn.m.r. spectra at 24.3 MHz. Positive shifts are upfield fromthe reference in each case.l-AcetyZ-2,2,3,4,4-~entamett~yZ~hos~~~tan.-Acetyl chlor-ide (1.2 g) in light petroleum (15 ml) was added over 15 mint o a stirred solution of 2,2,3,4,4-pentamethylphosphetan 8(2.2 g) and triethylamine (1.55 g) in ether-light petroleum(1 : 1 ; 30 ml) and the suspension was refluxed for 4 h.Filtra-tion and distillation then gave l-acety1-2,2,3,4,4-penta-methylphosphetan (76) as a 1.8 : 1 mixture of isomers (fromintegration of n.m.r. spectra), b.p. 63-65' at 0.8 mmHg,vmx. 1655 cm-l, T (major isomer) 7-47 (lH, m), 7.75 (3H, d,J 5 Hz), 8.62 (6H, d, J 11 Hz), 8-68 (6H, d, J 14 Hz), and9.10 (3H, dd, J 1 and 7 Hz), 31P 6 (CHCl,) -64 p.p.m. Theminor isomer had identifiable peaks at 7 7.67 (3H, d, J 6 Hz),and 9.18 (3H, dd, J 1 and 7 Hz), the others being obscured bythose of the major isomer, andReaction of l-Acetyl-2,2,3,4,4-pentamethyZ~hosphetan withTetrachloro-o-benzoquinone.-A solution of the quinone(2.36 g) in ether (26 ml) was added over 0.5 h to a stirredsolution of the acetylphosphetan (0-8 g) in ether (20 ml), andthe solution was refluxed for 1 h.Evaporation of solventS. C . Peake, M. Fild, M. J. C. Hewson, and R. Schmutzler,Inorg. Chem., 1971, 10, 2723.6 -73 p.p.m.and crystallisation of the residuc from hexane gave the 2 : 1adduct (7) as a 3 : 1 mixture of isomers (from integration of 1Hn.m.r. spectrum), m.p. 158-163", vmx. 1794 cm-l, T (ben-zene; major isomer), 8.02 (3H, s), 8.72 (GH, d, J 22 Hz),8.95 (6H, d, J 22 Hz), and 9.32 (3H, dd, J 1.5 and 7 Hz),6 - 15 p.p.m., m/e (3sCl) GO4 ( M - 70), 561, 387, 344, antl275 (Found: C, 39.2; H, 2.0; C1, 41.6; P, 4-8. C,,HlgC18-0,P requires C, 38.9; H, 2.8; Cl, 41.0; P, 4.6).phosphaspiro4.4nonane (9) .-A solution of the tetraoxy-phosphorane (8) (1-32 g) in tetrahydrofuran (10 ml) wasadded to a stirred solution of N-Iithio-N-cyclohesylisopro-pylamine (0.735 g) in tetrahydrofuran (20 ml) a t -78 "C andthe mixture was kept a t this temperature for 0.5 h.Benzoylchloride (0.7 g) in tetrahydrofuran (10 m1) was then addedand the solution allowed to warm to room temperature andthen refluxed for 0-6 h. Solvent was removed under reducedpressure and the residue estracted with hot ether-lightpetroleum (1 : 1 ; 30 ml). Evaporation of the extract andcrystallisation of the residue from light petroleum gave thespirophosphorane (9) (86), m.p. 158-160", T 1.50-1.57(2H. m), 2-20-2.65 (3H, m), 8-66 (12H, s ) , and 8.92 (12H,s), 31P 6 (CH,Cl,) +39.6 p.p.ni., inle 353 ( M - 15), 310,263, 181, 147, and 105 (Found: C, 61.2; H, 7.8; P, 8.3.C,,H,,O,P requires C, 61.0; H, 7.9; P, 8.4).BenzoyZdiraetkyZphosphine.-I-'h enyl d imethylphosphini t e(12 g) in toluene (10 mi) was added dropwise to a stirredsuspension of lithium aluminium hydride (5 g) in toluene(50 ml).The resulting dimethylphosphine was carried in aslow stream of nitrogen into a stirred solution of benzoylchloride (10.95 g) and triethylainine (7-9 g) in light petro-leum (60 ml). After 6 h the niisture was filtered and thefiltrate distilled to give benzoyldimethylphosphine (46),b.p. 68-72" a t 1 mmHg, vmLXp. 1643 cni-l, T 2.05-2.27 (2H,m), 2.50-2.70 (3H, m), and 8.75 (6HJ d, J 2 Hz).Reaction of PI1= Cornpowads with Xenon Diflzcorkde.-Xenon difluoride (< 1 mol. cquiv.) was sublimed in vacuoonto the inner wall of a Kel-F (polytrifluorochloroethylene)n.m.r. tube above a solution of the PIr1 compound in tri-chlorofluoromethane a t - 197 'C. The solution was al-lowed to warm until mobile antl brought into contact withthe xenon difluoride, when an immediate and vigorousreaction occurred. When reaction was complete the solu-tion was warmed to room temperature and the tube sealed.We thank Dr. J . H. Holloway for providing the xenondifluoride and for help in its use and the S.R.C. and CIBA-GEIGY (U.K.) Limited for a studentship.5/047 Rrceived, 8th January, 19763J. R. Corfield, R. K. Oram, D. J. H. Smith, and S. Trippett,5-BenzoyZ-2,2,3,3,7,7,8,8-octanietl~yZ-1,4,6,0-tetvaoxa-5-J.C.S. Perkin I, 1972, 713
机译:1220 J.C.S. Perkia I五坐标磷烷中苯甲酰基团的亲近性作者:Stuart Trippett 和 Peter J. Whittle,莱斯特大学化学系,LEI 7RH从 5-苯甲酰基-八甲基-1,4,6,9-四氧杂-5-磷杂螺[4.4]壬烷的可变温度 l H n.m.r. 光谱中提出,苯甲酰基的亲近性与苯氧基和苯硫基的亲近性相当。苯甲酰二氟二甲基膦由苯甲酰基二甲基膦和二氟化氙制成。它的低温l@F和l H n.m.r.光谱为赤道对苯甲酰键的旋转受限提供了一些证据。酰基是电负性和 x 受体。根据Hoffmann,Howell和Muet-terties对决定五配磷烷中基团的亲皮性的因素的分析,因此预计它们具有高度的亲皮性。作为第 1 部分 R. Hoffmann, J .M. Howell 和 EL Muetterties,J .Amer.Chem. SOC., 1972, 94, 3047.a E.g. S. Bone, S. Trippett.和 P. J. Whittle, J.C.S. Perkh I ,1974, 2126;R. K. Oram 和 S. Trippett, 同上, 1973, 1300.我们的工作 2 旨在定义五坐标磷烷中与磷相连的基团的相对亲近亲油性关系,我们现在报告的苯甲酰基团。之前有两篇关于酰基磷烷的报道。苯甲酰基二氟磷烷 (1) 在溶液(19F 和 31P n.m.r. 光谱)中初步鉴定为 3。布朗,hl。Murray 和 R.Schmutzler, J .Chem. SOC. (C),1970, 8781975 1221氟二苯基膦与苯甲酰氟化物反应,而螺磷烷(4)是从二甲基酮内酯二聚体(2)与亚磷酰胺(3)反应中分离出FPhC0-LMe I PhF的。酰基磷烷的加成反应不会导致甲酰基磷烷,因为酰基在偶极中间体中的迁移。因此酰基膦(5), /Me(5)CICl(710p.p.m.到85%H,PO,),羰基吸收率为1659 cm-l,质谱与该结构一致。室温下的质子n.m.r.谱在甲基区域由两个信号组成,每个信号等效于12个质子,表明,正如预期的那样,拓扑三角双锥体(10)和(11;R = COPh) 在此温度下在 nm.r.时间尺度上是快速的。这个伪旋转使 A 3 B 和 C = D。两个信号在 140 “C in1-bromonaphthalene 处可逆地合并;这对应于活化过程的自由能,导致它们等效性乙基为 20.9 kcal mol-I。该过程涉及对磷烷的伪旋转(12;R=COPh)具有二元苯甲酰基和二赤二元五元Ii,RLiii,PhCOCIq,COPh0-PO'环。当 R = H (参考文献 5) 时,类似的赝旋 (1 1) 4 (12) 具有 AG* 18.4 kcal mol-l,表明在该系统中,氢原子比苯甲酰基更具亲近性。由于已知氢2比苯氧基和苯硫基更具有3 4 kcal mol-l的亲油性,这意味着苯甲酰基团在亲油性方面与这些氢相似。霍夫曼预测,对于赤道n受体基团,首选方向将是受体轨道在顶端平面上,并且这可能与sr;-供体基群^,^,^一样,导致围绕赤道键旋转的相当大的障碍。我们在苯甲酰基磷烷.r 4a几何异构体的混合物中寻找这种效应,六氟丙酮给出了一种产物混合物,其乙酰信号在质子n.m.r.光谱中出现,表明它们不再附着在磷上。类似地,从四氯邻苯醌和 (5) 分离出异构体 2 : 1 加合物的混合物,这些加合物被配制成磷烷 (7),通过乙酰基在 1 ∶1 中间体中的迁移而形成 (6)。将四氧螺磷烷 (8) 与 N-锂基-N-环己基异丙胺金属化,然后用苯甲酰氯处理,得到苯甲酰螺磷-聚丙烷 (9) 的高收率。31P 化学位移 (39.5W. G. Bentrude, W. D. Johnson, and W. A. Khan, J .Amer.D. Houalla、R. Wolf、D. Gagnaire 和 K. B. Robert,Chem.Chem。SOC., 1972, 94, 923.Comm., 1969, 443.P A(131 (12)在三氯氟甲烷中用二氟化氙在低温下处理苯基二甲基亚磷酸酯,经过剧烈反应后,以主要产物E. L. Muetterties, P. Meakin, and R. Hoffmann, J. Amev.Chem. SOC., 1972, 94, 66741222 J.C.S.Perkin 二氟二甲基苯氧基膦,7 通过其19F(七分之一的双峰,JPp 745,Jm 13 Hz,相对于CFCl的+3-3p.p.m,)和lH(三重态的双峰,Jp=18,J~H 13 Hz,7 8.22)n.m.r.光谱鉴定。与苯甲酰基二甲基膦的类似反应得到一个主要产物(根据所得溶液的 19F n.m.r. 光谱判断为 85%)。这被鉴定为苯甲酰基磷烷 (13),从其 31P(25 p.p.m. 到 85% H,PO,)、lsF(七分之一,JPF 627,JHF 13 Hz,相对于 CFCl,+29.3 p.p.m,)和 lH(三重双峰,JpH 18,J F H 13 Hz,a t T 8.0)n.m.r. 光谱在室温下。(13)的lSF n.m.r.谱图在-100“C时保持不变,但lH谱中的甲基信号在该温度下显示出相当大的展宽。同样,在-100“C时,(9)的lH n.m.r.谱中的甲基信号显著扩大,而苯甲酰质子引起的信号仍然清晰。这些结果表明,在n.m.r.时间尺度上,赤道P-苯甲酰键的旋转在-100“C时正在减慢。苯甲酰基更喜欢在赤道平面上。但是,旋转屏障必须小于 8 kcal mol-l。在24.3 MHz处获得了56-4 M H z和31Pn.m.r.光谱的实验性N.m.r.谱图。 l-乙酰Z-2,2,3,4,4-~entamett~yZ~hos~~~tan.-乙酰氯化物(1.2 g)在轻质石油(15 ml)中加入15薄荷或2,2,3,4,4-五甲基膦烷8(2.2 g)和三乙胺(1.55 g)的搅拌溶液,在醚轻石油(1:1;30 ml)中,将悬浮液回流4小时,然后过滤和蒸馏,得到l-乙酰1-2,2,3,4,4-五甲基磷烷(76%),作为1.8:1的异构体混合物(来自N.M.R.光谱的整合), b.p. 63-65' at 0.8 mmHg,vmx.1655 cm-l, T (主要异构体) 7-47 (lH, m), 7.75 (3H, d,J 5 Hz), 8.62 (6H, d, J 11 Hz), 8-68 (6H, d, J 14 Hz), 和 9.10 (3H, dd, J 1 和 7 Hz), 31P 6 (CHCl,) -64 p.p.m.次要异构体在7 7.67 (3H, d, J 6 Hz)和9.18 (3H, dd, J 1 and 7 Hz)处有可识别的峰,其他峰被主要异构体的峰所掩盖,l-乙酰基-2,2,3,4,4-五甲基Z~邻苯醌与四氯邻苯醌的反应。 并将溶液回流1 h,溶剂S蒸发。C .Peake、M. Fild、M. J. C. Hewson 和 R. Schmutzler,Inorg。Chem., 1971, 10, 2723.6 -73 p.p.m.和己烷残留物的结晶得到 2 : 1 加合物 (7) 作为 3 : 1 的异构体混合物(来自 1Hn.m.r. 光谱的整合),熔点为 158-163“,vmx。1794 cm-l, T (ben-zene;主要异构体), 8.02 (3H, s), 8.72 (GH, d, J 22 Hz), 8.95 (6H, d, J 22 Hz), and 9.32 (3H, dd, J 1.5 and 7 Hz),6 - 15 p.p.m., m/e (3sCl) GO4 ( M - 70), 561, 387, 344, antl275 (Found: C, 39.2;H,2.0;C1,41.6;第4-8页。C,,HlgC18-0,P要求C,38.9;H,2.8;氯,41.0;P,4.6%).磷螺[4.4]壬烷(9).-四氧基磷烷(8)(1-32g)在四氢呋喃(10ml)中的溶液加入到N-Iithio-N-环hesyl异丙基吡胺(0.735g)在四氢呋喃(20ml)中搅拌的溶液中,将混合物保持0.5 h,然后加入苯甲酰氯(0.7g)在四氢呋喃(10 m1)中,使溶液升温至室温,然后回流0-6 h。在减压下除去溶剂,并用热醚轻石油(1:1;30ml)吸出残留物。从轻石油中蒸发提取物和残留物结晶得到螺磷烷 (9) (86%),熔点 158-160“,T 1.50-1.57(2H. m),2-20-2.65 (3H,m),8-66 (12H,s) 和 8.92 (12H,s),31P 6 (CH,Cl,) +39.6 p.p.ni., inle 353 ( M - 15), 310,263, 181, 147, 和 105 (发现: C, 61.2;H,7.8;P, 8.3.C,,H,,O,P 需要 C, 61.0;H,7.9;P,8.4%)。将苯甲苯(10 mi)中的BenzoyZdiraetkyZphosphine.-I-'h enyl d imethylphosphini t e(12 g)滴加到甲苯(50 ml)中的氢化铝锂(5g)搅拌悬浮液中。将所得二甲基膦在缓慢的氮气流中带入苯甲酰氯(10.95g)和三乙烯基氨酸(7-9g)的轻质石油(60ml)搅拌溶液中。6 h后,过滤硝酸盐,滤液蒸馏,得到苯甲酰二甲基膦(46%),b.p. 68-72“ a t 1 mmHg,vmLXp。1643 cni-l, T 2.05-2.27 (2H,m), 2.50-2.70 (3H, m), 和 8.75 (6HJ d, J 2 Hz).PI1=玉米粟与二氟化氙的反应-二氟化氙(< 1 mol.cquiv.)在Kel-F(聚三氟氯乙烯)n.m.r.管的内壁上浮华到PIr1化合物在三氯氟甲烷溶液上方的真空中 - 197'C.将溶液全部降低至温热,直到移动的蚂蚁与二氟化氙接触,这时立即发生剧烈反应。反应完成后,将溶液加热至室温,并密封管。我们感谢 J 博士。H. Holloway提供氟化氙及其使用帮助,以及S.R.C.和CIBA-GEIGY(英国)仅限助学金。[5/047 Rrceived,19763 年 1 月 8 日J. R. Corfield, R. K. Oram, D. J. H. Smith, and S. Trippett,5-BenzoyZ-2,2,3,3,7,7,8,8-octanietl~yZ-1,4,6,0-tetvaoxa-5-J.C.S.珀金一世,1972 年,713




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