首页> 外文期刊>Journal of robotic systems >Improving local torque optimization techniques for redundant robotic mechanisms

Improving local torque optimization techniques for redundant robotic mechanisms




AbstractTwo techniques that improve existing local torque optimization methods for redundant robotic mechanisms are proposed. The first technique is based on a balancing scheme, which balances a joint torque norm against a norm of joint accelerations. Expressions have been derived utilizing the Lagrangian multipliers method. The other technique is based on a torque optimization method which minimizes torques through accelerations, obtained from the null‐space of the Jacobian matrix. These accelerations are balanced against the minimum‐norm acceleration component in order to improve the performance. Numerical simulations have been carried out which in most cases illustrate good performance capability from the viewpoint of torque optimization and global stabil
机译:摘要 提出了两种改进现有冗余机器人机构局部扭矩优化方法的技术。第一种技术基于平衡方案,该方案平衡关节扭矩范数与关节加速度范数。表达式是使用拉格朗日乘子方法推导的。另一种技术基于扭矩优化方法,该方法通过加速度最小化扭矩,该方法从雅可比矩阵的零空间获得。这些加速度与最小范数加速度分量相平衡,以提高性能。已经进行了数值模拟,在大多数情况下,从扭矩优化和全局稳定性的角度说明了良好的性能能力




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