首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer >Light transmission in inhomogeneous birefringent medium as a function of propagation and observation angles

Light transmission in inhomogeneous birefringent medium as a function of propagation and observation angles


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We use the Mueller matrix for inhomogeneous linear birefringent media derived in Savenkov et al. Mueller-matrix model of an inhomogeneous linear birefringent medium: single scattering case. JQSRT 2007;106:475-86 to generate new results on the forward scattering of light using Cloude's coherence matrix method. We show that the intensity of scattered light (m(11)) as a function of observation angle depends on the difference between refractive indices along the eigen polarizations resulting in intensity lost when unpolarized light propagates parallel to the optical axes compared to propagation orthogonal to the optical axis. For a given inhomogeneity (roughness), depolarization strongly depends on the direction of light propagation in the medium. The depolarization at 90 degrees propagation angle is minimal for any value of inhomogeneity. Sample calculations are based on calcite.
机译:我们将 Mueller 矩阵用于 Savenkov 等人推导的不均匀线性双折射介质 [非均匀线性双折射介质的 Mueller 矩阵模型:单散射情况。JQSRT 2007年;106:475-86],使用Cloude的相干矩阵方法生成光的前向散射新结果。我们表明,散射光的强度(m(11))作为观察角度的函数取决于沿特征偏振的折射率之间的差异,导致当非偏振光平行于光轴传播时强度损失与与光轴正交的传播相比。对于给定的不均匀性(粗糙度),去偏振很大程度上取决于光在介质中的传播方向。对于任何不均匀性值,90度传播角处的去极化都是最小的。样品计算基于方解石。




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