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Cost of Production in the Garment Industry


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By the detailed analysis of various departments of a garment industry, the following conclusions are evolved. They are essential for increasing the production, by keeping the cost of the finished garment and quality under strict controls and also for keeping profit stable for long term. 1. Efficient production planning is necessary, so that proper sequence of operations will follow with the result that material flow time will be minimised. 2. The raw material quality is to be assured so that the quality of the garment can be maintained throughout the production. 3. Qualified staff and management is a must for efficient control over various processes. 4. Skilled and trained workers must be employed in order to avoid wastage of time and resources. 5. Good working atmosphere also helps to improve the working conditions inside the industry. 6. Well trained quality assurance personnel are required in various departments to prevent wastage of materials. 7. Break even point for the production and target profit must be calculated in advance. 8. Provision to meet the demands of the customer must be examined from time to time in order to remain in the market for a long time. 9. Proper labour allocation must be planned in advance in order to reduce the cost on finished garment. 10. Preventive maintenance should be adopted for keeping the machines in proper condition.
机译:通过对服装行业各个部门的详细分析,得出以下结论。它们对于提高产量至关重要,可以严格控制成品服装的成本和质量,也可以长期保持利润稳定。1. 有效的生产计划是必要的,以便遵循正确的操作顺序,从而最大限度地减少物料流时间。2.保证原材料质量,使服装的质量在整个生产过程中都能保持。3. 合格的员工和管理人员是有效控制各种流程的必要条件。4. 必须雇用熟练和训练有素的工人,以避免浪费时间和资源。5、良好的工作氛围也有助于改善行业内部的工作条件。6.各部门需要训练有素的质量保证人员,以防止材料浪费。7.产量和目标利润的盈亏平衡点必须提前计算。8. 必须不时检查满足客户需求的供应,以便长期留在市场上。9. 必须提前计划适当的劳动力分配,以降低成品服装的成本。10. 应采取预防性维护,以保持机器处于适当状态。




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