首页> 外文期刊>journal of applied polymer science >Studies of the initiation mechanism of ferric ion–hydrogen peroxide systems in graft copolymerization on cellulose

Studies of the initiation mechanism of ferric ion–hydrogen peroxide systems in graft copolymerization on cellulose




AbstractThe decomposition of hydrogen peroxide by ferric ion adsorbed on cellulose, the lowering of the degree of polymerization of cellulose, and the graft copolymerization in the systems containing methyl methacrylate were studied. As the amount of ferric ion adsorbed on cellulose and the concentration of hydrogen peroxide became higher, the amount of decomposition of hydrogen peroxide and the number of scissions of cellulose chains with higher rates at the initial stage of reaction were both observed to increase. It was recognized that the graft copolymerization was hardly initiated, while such initial reactions were proceeding. Assuming that the hydrogen peroxide decomposed with a higher rate was indifferent to the initiation reaction, a certain relationship was found between the amount of ferric ion adsorbed on cellulose ànd the initiation efficiency of hydrogen peroxide in graft copolymerization
机译:摘要 研究了铁离子吸附在纤维素上的双氧水分解、降低纤维素聚合度以及甲基丙烯酸甲酯体系中的接枝共聚反应。随着纤维素上吸附的铁离子量和过氧化氢浓度的增加,反应初期双氧水分解量和速率较高的纤维素链断裂次数均增加。人们认识到,当这种初始反应正在进行时,接枝共聚几乎没有启动。假设以较高速率分解的过氧化氢对引发反应无影响,则发现纤维素上吸附的铁离子量与接枝共聚中过氧化氢的引发效率之间存在一定的关系




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