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In Vitro Histamine Release Induced by Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Iodinated Contrast Media




RATIONALE AND OBJECTIVES.To investigate the mechanism of anaphylactoid reactions to contrast media, in vitro histamine release induced by magnetic resonance imaging, and iodinated contrast agents was examined in a dog mastocytoma cell line.METHODS.Two gadolinium (Gd)-based magnetic resonance contrast agents, Gd diethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid (Gd-DTPA), dimeglumine, and Gd-bismorpholide, and two iodinated contrast agents, diatrizoate meglumine and iohexol, were incubated with histamine-containing canine mastocytoma cells. Release of histamine into the supernatant was determined at various contrast-medium concentrations after incubation at 37deg;C for 30 minutes.RESULTS.Iodinated and Gd-based contrast agents caused release of histamine from mastocytoma cells at similar concentrations (50ndash;150 mM). Mannitol, an osmotic stimulus, caused release of histamine only at concentrations greater than 1,000 mM.CONCLUSIONS.Histamine release from canine mastocytoma cells does not appear to be solely due to osmotic effects, but results from direct stimulation by contrast media. For all agents examined, the concentration at which in vitro histamine release occurs far exceeds the serum contrast media concentration expected in routine clinical application. Direct release of histamine from mast cells does not completely explain the pathogenesis of idiosyncratic anaphylactoid responses to contrast media.
机译:基本原理和 OBJECTIVES.To 研究了对造影剂的过敏反应机制,磁共振成像诱导的体外组胺释放,并在狗肥大细胞瘤细胞系中检查了碘化造影剂。方法。两种基于钆 (Gd) 的磁共振造影剂 Gd 二乙烯三胺五乙酸 (Gd-DTPA)、二甲基甲胺和 Gd-双吗内酯,以及两种碘化造影剂 diatrizoate 葡甲胺和碘海醇,与含组胺的犬肥大细胞瘤细胞一起孵育。在 37°C 下孵育 30 分钟后,以各种造影剂培养基浓度测定组胺向上清液的释放。结果。碘化造影剂和基于 Gd 的造影剂导致类似浓度 (50–150 mM) 的肥大细胞瘤细胞释放组胺。甘露醇是一种渗透性刺激物,仅在浓度大于1,000 mM时才引起组胺的释放。对于所有检查的药物,体外组胺释放的浓度远远超过常规临床应用中预期的血清造影剂浓度。肥大细胞直接释放组胺并不能完全解释对造影剂的特殊性过敏反应的发病机制。




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