首页> 外文期刊>Pacific Science: A Quarterly Devoted to the Biological and Physical Sciences of the Pacific Region >Segregation in Diet between Black Noddy (Anous minutus) and Brown Noddy (A-stolidus) from the Southern Lagoon of New Caledonia

Segregation in Diet between Black Noddy (Anous minutus) and Brown Noddy (A-stolidus) from the Southern Lagoon of New Caledonia

机译:来自新喀里多尼亚南部泻湖的黑头(Anous minutus)和棕色头球(A-stolidus)之间的饮食隔离

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The Black Noddy (Anous minutus) and the Brown Noddy (A. stolidus) occur sympatrically in the Southern Lagoon of New Caledonia, breeding on islets located at the edge of a wide, productive coral-reef lagoon next to oceanic waters enriched by a seasonal upwelling. The diets of the two species were determined from regurgitations from birds nesting at Kouare Islet during two consecutive breeding seasons (2002/2003 and 2003/2004) and compared. The average prey load in the Brown Noddy was heavier than that in the Black Noddy, as expected from its larger body size and from a predicted longer foraging distance. Fish prey dominated the diet of both species (100 and 81.8 biomass in Black and Brown Noddies, respectively); the remainder consisted of squid. Black Noddy ate small pelagic fishes inhabiting the reef and the lagoon, mainly round herrings (Spratelloides spp.), and Brown Noddy mainly preyed on offshore species including buccaneer anchovy (Encrasicholina punctifer) and larger pelagic fishes (Exocoetidae) and squids. The segregation in diet between Black and Brown Noddies in New Caledonia thus indicated spatial segregation in foraging zones (i.e., inshore versus offshore, respectively), which was more pronounced than previously reported for other sites where the two species co-occur.
机译:黑结核(Anous minutus)和褐结核(A. stolidus)在新喀里多尼亚南部泻湖中共生,在位于宽阔、多产的珊瑚礁泻湖边缘的小岛上繁殖,旁边是季节性上升流丰富的海水。这两个物种的饮食是根据连续两个繁殖季节(2002/2003年和2003/2004年)在库阿雷岛筑巢的鸟类的反刍确定的,并进行了比较。Brown Noddy 的平均猎物负荷比 Black Noddy 重,正如其较大的体型和预测的更长的觅食距离所预期的那样。鱼类猎物在两个物种的饮食中占主导地位(黑和棕猪的生物量分别为100%和81.8%);其余的由鱿鱼组成。黑点头吃栖息在珊瑚礁和泻湖中的小型中上层鱼类,主要是圆鲱鱼(Spratelloides spp.),而黑点头主要捕食近海物种,包括海盗鳀鱼(Encrasicholina punctifer)和较大的中上层鱼类(Exocoetidae)和鱿鱼。因此,新喀里多尼亚的黑人和棕色诺迪人之间的饮食隔离表明了觅食区的空间隔离(即分别是近海与近海),这比以前报道的这两个物种共存的其他地点更为明显。




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