首页> 外文期刊>Weed technology: A journal of the Weed Science Society of America >Conservation Management and Crop Rotation Effects on Weed Populations in a 12-Year Irrigated Study

Conservation Management and Crop Rotation Effects on Weed Populations in a 12-Year Irrigated Study

机译:一项为期 12 年的灌溉研究中的保护管理和作物轮作对杂草种群的影响

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Potato, dry bean, and sugar beet production have increased markedly in recent years on irrigated cropland in Alberta, Canada. Concerns exist about declining soil quality and increased soil erosion when these low-residue crops are grown in sequence inshort-duration rotations. A 12-yr rotation study was conducted to determine the merits of adopting various conservation practices (reduced tillage, cover crops, composted manure) and longer-duration rotations to develop a more sustainable production system for these row crops. This article reports on weed density and weed seedbank data collected in the study. Weed densities recorded prior to applying postemergence herbicides indicated that conservation compared with conventional management treatments had greater weed densities in 30 to 45 of the cases in 3-, 4-, and 5-yr rotations. In contrast, a 6-yr conservation rotation that included 2 yr of timothy forage resulted in similar or lower weed densities than rotations with conventional management practices. Residual weed densities recorded 4 wk after applying postemergence herbicides were only greater in conservation than conventional rotations in 2 of 12 yr, regardless of rotation length. Weed seedbank densities at the conclusion of the 12-yr studywere similar for 3- to 6-yr rotations under either conservation or conventional management. These findings indicate that implementing a suite of conservation practices poses little risk of increased weed populations in the long term. This knowledge willfacilitate grower adoption of more sustainable agronomic practices for irrigated row crops in this region.
机译:近年来,加拿大阿尔伯塔省灌溉农田的马铃薯、干豆和甜菜产量显著增加。当这些低残留作物按顺序短时轮作种植时,存在着土壤质量下降和土壤侵蚀加剧的担忧。进行了一项为期 12 年的轮作研究,以确定采用各种保护措施(减少耕作、覆盖作物、堆肥)和长期轮作的优点,为这些行作物开发更可持续的生产系统。本文报告了研究中收集的杂草密度和杂草种子库数据。在施用出苗后除草剂之前记录的杂草密度表明,与传统管理处理相比,在3年、4年和5年轮作中,30%至45%的杂草密度更高。相比之下,6 年保护轮作(包括 2 年蒂莫西牧草)导致杂草密度与传统管理实践的轮作相似或更低。无论轮作长度如何,在施用出苗后除草剂后 4 周记录的残余杂草密度仅在 12 年中的 2 年中高于常规轮作。在12年研究结束时,在保护或常规管理下,3至6年轮作的杂草种子库密度相似。这些发现表明,从长远来看,实施一套保护措施几乎没有增加杂草种群的风险。这些知识将促进种植者在该地区对灌溉行作物采用更可持续的农艺实践。




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