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Thin clients' fat challenge: Thin clients may face thin times over the coming months, but the arguments in their favour remain sound


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THE GRADUAL advance of the thin client has been one of IT's quieter revolutions, and one that tends to be cast in a subordinate role in debates around the future of Windows, Cloud Computing, and virtual desktops. Despite this it has the potential to radically reshape both the appearance and the economics of IT into the next decade. It may also prove a significant influence on the destinies of those hardware and software vendors that have built their fortunes on the market models that have driven the desktop PC market since the late 1980s.
机译:瘦客户端的逐步发展一直是IT领域最安静的革命之一,在围绕Windows、云计算和虚拟桌面未来的辩论中,它往往处于从属地位。尽管如此,它仍有可能在未来十年内从根本上重塑 IT 的外观和经济性。它还可能对那些自 1980 年代后期以来推动台式 PC 市场的市场模型建立财富的硬件和软件供应商的命运产生重大影响。




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