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New synthesis of unsymmetrical dithia compounds




J. CHEM. SOC. PERKIN TRANS. I 1995 238 1 New synthesis of unsymmetrical dithia compounds Keith Smith * and Michael Tzimas Department of Chemistry, University of Wales Swansea, Singleton Park, Swansea SA2 8PP, UK 1,2-Dithiacycloalkanes undergo nucleophilic ring-opening with organolithium reagents; the intermediates can be treated with electrophiles to provide unsymmetrical dithia compounds in high yields. Organic thiols, sulfides and disulfides are important because of their physiological activity,' their auxiliary roles in a number of modern synthetic methods,2 and their potential use in electronic and other modern materials. Therefore, there is considerable interest in the development of novel syntheses of such compound^.^ As part of our more general interests in sulfur compounds 'and in lithiations we have introduced processes for the elaboration of arenethiols by directed lithiation 'and for the incorporation of a thiol equivalent into heterocyclic compounds by reaction of tetraisopropylthiuram disulfide with appropriate lithiated heterocycles. This last reaction is a specific example of the well-established cleavage of an organic disulfide by an organometallic reagent to yield an unsym-metrical sulfide eqn.(1).9 RLi + RSSR (1)-RSR + RSLi In principle, application of this reaction to cyclic disulfides could provide potential access to unsymmetrical dithia compounds eqn. (2), but there are no such reactions in the literature. A possible complication is that a free metal thiolate formed in the initial step can react rapidly with further cyclic disulfide to produce oligomeric materials eqn.(3)J lo which could then give rise to symmetrical compounds eqn. (4). It was therefore not clear whether the desired unsymmetrical compounds could be obtained selectively. However, we now report that reactions of 1,2-dithiacycloalkanes with organo- lithium reagents followed by trapping of the intermediates with certain electrophiles can indeed give unsymmetrical dithia compounds in high yields eqn. (2). RT, 12h 1.2-Dithiacycloalkanes of ring sizes from 5 to 12 are easily syn thesised by oxidative cyclisation of the readily available dithiols.' ' The literature method,'* with only minor modific- ations of concentration and purification procedure, was applied in the synthesis of 1J-dithiane and I ,2-dithiacyclooctane eqn.(5).These compounds tended to undergo oligomerisation on I,. triethylamine HS(CH3nSH CHCI3 prolonged storage, so they were used relatively soon after purification. The dithianes were treated first with an organolithium and then with an alkyl or acyl halide to give the corresponding products in good yield (see Table 1). As the results in Table 1 show, the reaction was successful with a range of different organolithium reagents and with acetyl halides and primary alkyl halides as electrophiles, but alkylation did not take place under these conditions with tertiary alkyl halides which, after work-up, led instead to the corresponding thiols.This work shows that the reaction of eqn. (2) is a fast and convenient way to synthesise a range of dithia compounds in high yields. Although the investigation was limited to dithiane and dithiacyclooctane, smaller and larger ring sizes and rings containing additional heteroatoms l2 or fused to aromatic or alicyclic rings I3*l4 have been reported in the literature. This leads to possibilities for the synthesis of other unsymmetrical dithia compounds eqn. (6), X = a heteroatom or a ring system. /bsol; i RLi (CH2)n (CH2)n -R-S-(CHamp;-X-(CH2),,-S-R (6)ii R'Br 'X' Experimental General procedure The dithiacycloalkane was dissolved in dry THF and the solution cooled to -78 "C. An equimolar amount of organo-lithium compound in hexane or diethyl ether was added to the solution and the mixture stirred for 30 min; it was then allowed to warm to room temperature before addition of an equimolar amount of the electrophile.The mixture was stirred at ambient temperature overnight after which it was washed with water, dried, concentrated under reduced pressure and purified by bulb-to-bulb distillation. The products and yields obtained are those shown in Table 1. Acknowledgements We thank NIPA Laboratories for financial support to M. T., the EPSRC for a grant to provide the NMR equip-ment used in this study and the EPSRC Mass Spectrometry Centre in Swansea for running the mass spectra. We also thank Dr C. Brown and Mr K. Payne of NIPA for their contributions.2382 J. CHEM. SOC. PERKIN TRANS. 1 1995 Table 1 Products synthesised according to eqn. (2) RLi Disulfide EX Product Yield ()a MeLi 1,2-Dithiane Me1 MeS(CH,),SMe 86 MeLi 1,2-Dithiane MeBr MeS(CH,),SMe 55 MeLi I ,2-Dithiane BuBr MeS(CH,),SBu 74 BuLi 1,2-Dithiane EtBr BuS(CH,),SEt 97 BuLi 1,2-Dithiane BuBr BuS(CH,),SBu 87 Bu'Li 1,2-Dithiane BuBr Bu'S(CH,),SBu 98 Bu'Li 1,2-Dithiane Bu'Br Bu'S(CH,),SH 77 BuLi 1,2-Dithiane PhCH,Br BuS(CH 2)4SCH ,Ph 78 BuLi 1,2-Dithiane AcCl BuS(CH 2)4SA~ 80 PhLi 1,2-Dithiane BuBr PhS(CH,),SBu 77 PhLi 1,2-Dithiane PhCH,Br PhS(CH2)4SCH,Ph 98 Ph Li 1,2-Dithiane AcBr PhS(CH,),SAc 71 MeLi 1,2-Dithiacyclooctane Me1 MeS(CH,),SMe 67 BuLi BuLi BuLi BuLi 1,2-Dithiacyclooctane 1,2-Dithiacyclooctane 1,2-Dithiacyclooctane 1,2-Dithiacyclooctane BuBr PhCH,Br AcBr C,H, 5Br BuS(CH,),SBu BuS(CH,),SCH,Ph BuS(CH,),SAc BuS(CH2)6SC7H15 85 82 86 69 a Yield of isolated, purified product.All the products were confirmed by spectroscopic and analytical data. References S. C. Mitchell and R. M. Nickson, Surfur Reports, 1993, 13, 161; K. T. Douglas, Acc. Chem. Res., 1986, 19, 186; A. L. Fluharty, The Chemistry ofthe Thiol Group, ed. S. Patai, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1974, Part 2, p. 589 and references therein; T. C. Bruice and S. J. Benkovic, Bioorganic Mechanisms, Benjamin, New York, 1966, vol. I, p. 259. 2 B. M. Trost, Acc. Chem. Rex, 1978, 11, 453; W. K. Musker, Acc. Chem.Rex, 1980,13,200; E. Vedejs, Ace. Chem. Rex, 1984,17,358; T. Y. Luh, Acc. Chem. Res., 1991,24,257. 3 F. Ogura, T. Otsubo and Y. Aso, Sulfur Reports, 1992, 11, 439; G. Schukat, A. M. Richter and E. Tanghanel, Sulfur Reports, 1987, 7, 155. 4 E. 1. Miranda, M. J. Diaz, I. Rosado and J. A. Soderquist, Tetrahedron Lett., 1994, 35, 3221; P. C. Bulman Page, S. S. Klair, M. P. Brown, C. S. Smith, S. J. Maginn and S. Mulley, Tetrahedron, 1992,48,5933. 5 See, for example: K. Smith, A. Small and M. G. Hutchings, Synlett, 1991, 485; C. M. Lindsay, K. Smith, I. Matthews, W. W. Lam, M. J. Musmar, G. E. Martin, A. F. Hoffschwelle,V. M. Lynch and S. M. Simonsen, Sulfur Lett., 1992,15,68; K. Smith, C. M. Lindsay, I. K. Morris, I. Matthews and G. J.Pritchard, Sulfur Lett., 1994, 17, 197. 6 See, for example: K. Smith and G. J. Pritchard, Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. Engl., 1990,29,282; K. Smith and D. Hou, J. Chem. Soc., Perkin Trans. I, 1995, 185. 7 K. Smith, C. M. Lindsay and G. J. Pritchard, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 1989,111,665. 8 K. Smith, D. Anderson and I. Matthews, Sulfur Lett., 1995, 18,79. 9 B. J. Wakefield, The Chemistry of Organolithium Compounds, Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1974, pp. 192, 214; A. J. Parker and N. Kharasch, Chem. Rev., 1959, 59, 583; M. S. Kharasch and 0. Reinmuth, Grignard Reactions of Non-metallic Substances, ed. S. Oea, Plenum Press, New York, 1977, p. 356. 10 A. Fawa, A. Illiceto and E. Camera, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 1957, 79, 833. 11 M. Ravenscroft, R. M. G. Roberts and J. G. Tillett, J, Chem. Soc., Perkin Trans. 2, 1982, 1569; J. G. Affleck and G. Dougherty, J. Org. Chem., 1950, 15, 865; R. H. Cragg and A. F. Weston, Tetrahedron Lett., 1973, 9, 655; D. N. Harpp, S. J. Bodzay, T. Aida and T. H. Chan, Tetrahedron Lett., 1986, 27, 441; L. Field and R. B. Barbee, J. Org. Chem., 1969,34, 36. 12 M. H. Goodrow and W. K. Musker, Synthesis, 1981,457. 13 P. Dhar, N. Chidambaram and S. Chandrasekaran, J. Org. Chem., 1992,57,1699. 14 J. Houk and G. M. Whitesides, Tetrahedron, 1989,45,91. Paper 5/04965B Received 26th Jury 1995 Accepted 26th Jury 1995
机译:J. CHEM. SOC. PERKIN 译.I 1995 238 1 不对称二硫杂化合物的新合成 Keith Smith * 和 Michael Tzimas 威尔士大学化学系 斯旺西,辛格尔顿公园,斯旺西 SA2 8PP,英国 1,2-二硫杂环烷烃用有机锂试剂进行亲核开环;中间体可以用亲电试剂处理,以高产率提供不对称的二硫化合物。有机硫醇、硫化物和二硫化物之所以重要,是因为它们具有生理活性,它们在许多现代合成方法中具有辅助作用,2 以及它们在电子和其他现代材料中的潜在用途。因此,人们对开发这种化合物的新型合成有相当大的兴趣^.^ 作为我们对硫化合物的更普遍兴趣的一部分,“在锂化中,我们引入了通过定向锂化精制芳硫醇的方法”,以及通过四异丙基秋兰姆二硫化物与适当的锂化杂环反应将硫醇当量掺入杂环化合物的方法。最后一个反应是有机金属试剂裂解有机二硫化物以产生不对称硫化物 [方程(1)].9 RLi + RSSR (1)-RSR + RSLi 原则上,将该反应应用于环状二硫化物可以提供潜在的不对称二硫化合物 [方程(2)],但文献中没有这样的反应。一个可能的并发症是,在初始步骤中形成的游离金属硫酸盐可以与进一步的环状二硫化物快速反应,产生低聚物[方程(3)J lo,然后可以产生对称化合物[方程(4)]。因此,尚不清楚是否可以选择性地获得所需的不对称化合物。然而,我们现在报告说,1,2-二硫代环烷烃与有机锂试剂反应,然后用某些亲电试剂捕获中间体,确实可以得到高产率的不对称二硫代化合物[方程(2)]。RT, 12h 1.2-二硫代环烷烃的环尺寸为5至12,很容易通过现成的二硫醇的氧化环化合成。'文献方法'*,仅对浓度和纯化程序进行了微小的修改,用于1J-二噻烷和I,2-二硫杂环辛烷的合成[方程(5)]。这些化合物倾向于在I上发生寡聚化。三乙胺HS(CH3nSH CHCI3延长了储存时间,因此它们在纯化后相对较快地使用。首先用有机锂处理二噻烷,然后用烷基或酰基卤化物处理,以获得相应的产物(见表1)。如表1所示,使用一系列不同的有机锂试剂以及乙酰卤化物和伯烷基卤化物作为亲电试剂,反应是成功的,但在这些条件下,叔烷基卤化物没有发生烷基化反应,叔烷基卤化物在处理后导致了相应的硫醇。本研究表明,方程(2)的反应是高产率地合成一系列二硫化合物的一种快速便捷的方法。虽然研究仅限于二噻烷和二硫杂环辛烷,但文献中已经报道了越来越小的环尺寸和含有额外杂原子 l2 或融合到芳香族或脂环 I3*l4 的环。这导致了合成其他不对称二硫化合物的可能性[方程(6),X=杂原子或环系统]。/\ i RLi (CH2)n (CH2)n -R-S-(CH&-X-(CH2),,-S-R (6)ii R'Br 'X' 实验 一般程序 将二硫杂环烷烃溶于干燥的THF中,溶液冷却至-78“C。向溶液中加入等摩尔量的己烷或乙醚有机锂化合物,搅拌混合物30分钟;然后将其加热至室温,然后加入等摩尔量的亲电试剂。将混合物在室温下搅拌过夜,然后用水洗涤,干燥,减压浓缩,并通过球对球蒸馏纯化。得到的产品和收率如表1所示。致谢 我们感谢NIPA实验室对M.T.的财政支持,感谢EPSRC提供赠款以提供本研究中使用的NMR设备,并感谢斯旺西的EPSRC质谱中心运行质谱。我们还要感谢 NIPA 的 C. Brown 博士和 K. Payne 先生的贡献.2382 J. CHEM. SOC. PERKIN TRANS. 1 1995 表 1 根据方程合成的产物。 (2) RLi 二硫醚 EX 产物收率 (%)a MeLi 1,2-二噻烷 Me1 MeS(CH,),SMe 86 MeLi 1,2-二噻烷 MeBr MeS(CH,),SMe 55 MeLi I ,2-二噻烷 BuBr MeS(CH,),SBu 74 Bu'Li 1,2-二噻烷 EtBr BuS(CH,),SEt 97 BuLi 1,2-二噻烷 BuBr BuS(CH,),SBu 87 Bu'Li 1,2-二噻烷 Bu'S(CH,),SBu 98 Bu'Li 1,2-二噻烷 Bu'Br Bu'S(CH,),SH 77 BuLi 1,2-二噻烷 PhCH,Br BuS(CH 2)4SCH ,Ph 78 BuLi 1,2-二噻烷 AcCl BuS(CH 2)4SA~ 80 PhLi 1,2-二噻烷 BuBr PhS(CH,),SBu 77 PhLi 1,2-二噻烷 PhCH,Br PhS(CH2)4SCH,Ph 98 Ph Li 1,2-二噻烷AcBr PhS(CH,),SAc 71 MeLi 1,2-二硫杂环辛烷 Me1 MeS(CH,),SMe 67 BuLi BuLi BuLi BuLi 1,2-二硫杂环辛烷 1,2-二硫杂环辛烷 1,2-二硫杂环辛烷 1,2-二硫杂环辛烷 BuBr PhCH,Br AcBr C,H, 5Br BuS(CH,),SBu BuS(CH,),SCH,Ph BuS(CH,),SAc BuS(CH2)6SC7H15 85 82 86 69 a 分离纯化产物的收率。所有产品均通过光谱和分析数据得到证实。参考文献 S. C. Mitchell 和 R. M. Nickson, Surfur Reports, 1993, 13, 161;K. T. Douglas, Acc. Chem. Res., 1986, 19, 186;A. L. Fluharty,《硫醇基团的化学》,编辑。S.Patai, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1974, Part 2, p. 589 及其中的参考文献;T. C. Bruice 和 S. J. Benkovic,《生物有机机制》,本杰明,纽约,1966 年,第一卷,第 259 页。2 B. M. Trost, Acc. Chem. Rex, 1978, 11, 453;W. K. Musker, Acc. Chem.Rex, 1980,13,200;E. Vedejs,王牌。雷克斯化学, 1984,17,358;T. Y. Luh, Acc. Chem. Res., 1991,24,257.3 F. Ogura、T. Otsubo 和 Y. Aso,《硫磺报告》,1992 年,第 11 页,第 439 页;G. Schukat、A. M. Richter 和 E. Tanghanel,《硫磺报告》,1987 年,第 7 页,第 155 页。4 E. 1.Miranda, M. J. Diaz, I. Rosado 和 J. A. Soderquist, Tetrahedron Lett., 1994, 35, 3221;P. C. Bulman Page, S. S. Klair, MP Brown, C. S. Smith, S. J. Maginn 和 S. Mulley, 四面体, 1992,48,5933.5 例如,见:K. Smith, A. Small and M. G. Hutchings, Synlett, 1991, 485;C. M. Lindsay, K. Smith, I. Matthews, W. W. Lam, M. J. Musmar, G. E. Martin, A. F. Hoffschwelle, V. M. Lynch 和 S. M. Simonsen, Sulfur Lett., 1992,15,68;K.史密斯,CM林赛,I.K.莫里斯,I.马修斯和G.J.普里查德,硫酸盐,1994,17,197。6 例如,见:K.史密斯和G.J.普里查德,Angew。Chem., Int. Ed. Engl., 1990,29,282;K. Smith 和 D. Hou, J. Chem. Soc., Perkin Trans.我,1995 年,185 年。7 K. Smith, C. M. Lindsay 和 G. J. Pritchard, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 1989,111,665.8 K.史密斯、D.安德森和I.马修斯,《硫磺报》,1995年,第18页,第79页。9 B. J. Wakefield,《有机锂化合物的化学》,佩加蒙出版社,牛津,1974年,第192、214页;A. J. Parker 和 N. Kharasch,化学修订版。, 1959, 59, 583;M. S. Kharasch 和 0.Reinmuth,《非金属物质的格氏反应》,S. Oea编,Plenum Press,纽约,1977年,第356页。10 A. Fawa, A. Illiceto 和 E. Camera, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 1957, 79, 833.11 M. Ravenscroft, R. M. G. Roberts 和 J. G. Tillett, J, Chem. Soc., Perkin Trans. 2, 1982, 1569;J. G. Affleck 和 G. Dougherty, J. Org. Chem., 1950, 15, 865;R. H. Cragg 和 A. F. Weston,四面体 Lett.,1973,9,655;D. N. Harpp, S. J. Bodzay, T. Aida 和 T. H. Chan, Tetrahedron Lett., 1986, 27, 441;L. Field 和 R. B. Barbee, J. Org. Chem., 1969,34, 36.12 M.H.Goodrow和W.K.Musker,《综合》,1981,457。13 P. Dhar, N. Chidambaram 和 S. Chandrasekaran, J. Org. Chem., 1992,57,1699.14 J. Houk 和 G. M. Whitesides,四面体,1989,45,91。论文 5/04965B 1995 年获得第 26 届评审团 接受 1995 年第 26 届评审团




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