首页> 外文期刊>Pacific Science: A Quarterly Devoted to the Biological and Physical Sciences of the Pacific Region >Biology and Impacts of Pacific Island Invasive Species. 11. Cinchona pubescens (Red Quinine Tree) (Rubiaceae)

Biology and Impacts of Pacific Island Invasive Species. 11. Cinchona pubescens (Red Quinine Tree) (Rubiaceae)

机译:太平洋岛屿入侵物种的生物学和影响。11. 金鸡纳(红奎宁树)(茜草科)

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Cinchona pubescens Vahl (red quinine) is an evergreen tree ranging in height from 10 to 25 m with broad leaves and white or pink fragrant flowers arranged in clusters. Growing at altitudes between 130 and 3,300 m, it is one of 23 species in the genus Cinchona and has a natural distribution from Costa Rica to Bolivia. Cinchona pubescens has been cultivated in tropical regions (e.g., in South America, Africa, China, India, and Indonesia) for its quinine-containing bark and has become invasive in some regions. This is especially the case in the Pacific region, where C. pubescens has invaded humid highland areas of Galapagos, Hawai`i, and Tahiti. It shades out and reduces cover of native plant species and adversely affects endemic birds. In addition, it changes microclimate and nutrient cycling in the soil, especially phosphorus, in Galapagos. Characteristics that make it such a successful invader include production of numerous, windborne seeds and vigorous vegetative reproduction by resprouting from underground stems and fallen trees. In Galapagos, C. pubescens is currently being manually controlled by uprooting the trees and by applying herbicides to cuts in the bark. However, this method requires continuous hand pulling of seedlings to be successful. Disturbance by control actions appears to facilitate establishment and invasion by other nonnative plant species, especially blackberry (Rubus niveus). Quinine and other alkaloids extracted from Cinchona bark are still being used for medicinal purposes today and the wood is increasingly used as construction material in Galapagos. Ironically, C. pubescens is now considered rare and endangered in its native range in Ecuador.
机译:金鸡纳(Cinchona pubescens Vahl)是一种常绿乔木,高度从10米到25米不等,叶子宽阔,白色或粉红色的芬芳花朵成簇排列。它生长在海拔 130 至 3,300 米之间,是金鸡纳属的 23 个物种之一,从哥斯达黎加到玻利维亚都有自然分布。金鸡纳因其含奎宁的树皮而在热带地区(例如南美洲、非洲、中国、印度和印度尼西亚)被种植,并在一些地区具有入侵性。在太平洋地区尤其如此,那里的 C. pubescens 已经入侵了加拉帕戈斯群岛、夏威夷和塔希提岛的潮湿高原地区。它遮蔽并减少了本地植物物种的覆盖,并对特有鸟类产生不利影响。此外,它还改变了加拉帕戈斯群岛土壤中的小气候和养分循环,尤其是磷。使它成为如此成功的入侵者的特征包括产生大量的风传播种子,以及通过从地下茎和倒下的树木中发芽而进行旺盛的营养繁殖。在加拉帕戈斯群岛,目前通过连根拔起树木和在树皮上的切口施用除草剂来手动控制 C. pubescens。然而,这种方法需要连续用手拔苗才能成功。控制行动的干扰似乎促进了其他非本地植物物种的建立和入侵,特别是黑莓(Rubus niveus)。从金鸡纳树皮中提取的奎宁和其他生物碱至今仍被用于药用目的,加拉帕戈斯群岛的木材越来越多地被用作建筑材料。具有讽刺意味的是,C. pubescens现在被认为是厄瓜多尔原生地的稀有和濒临灭绝。




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