首页> 外文期刊>Italian Journal of Public Health >Mr. Starbene e il Club dei Vincenti: assessing an anti-smoking campaign for school children

Mr. Starbene e il Club dei Vincenti: assessing an anti-smoking campaign for school children

机译:Starbene e il Club dei Vincenti先生:评估针对学童的反吸烟运动

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Background: People start smoking during childhood and adolescence and the age at which children start smoking is gradually falling: in 2005, it rose to 3.3 in the 11-to-14 year age group whereas in 2002 it was only 1.4 in the same age group. Methods: "Mr Starbene e il Club dei Vincenti", part of a regional program, Liberi dal Fumo, was assessed through an experimental non-randomized study, by involving parents and teachers, using short questionnaires. The project's objective was orienting fourth and fifth grade children towards a no-smoking lifestyle. The enrolled population was composed of 5,552 students in the treatment group and 4,758 controls. Results:: after two years, the number of children who had tried smoking but no longer smoked at the moment decreased by 16.3 in the treatment group, while it increased by 12.5 in the controls (p=0.000). The number of children who considered smoking a few cigarettes/day dangerous was higher in the treatment group (+8) than in the controls (+4.4) which suggests significant results vis-a-vis perceived smoking hazards. Children who claimed they would not smoke in the future decreased by 57.1 in the treated group as compared with a 21.4 reduction in the control group (p<0.001); children who said they would accept an offer of a cigarette decreased in the treated group (-12.5), but not in the controls (p<0.001). The study pointed out also the influence of role-models in children attitudes toward smoking. Conclusions: The positive results of this project give rise to hope for the future, even if long term evaluation is necessary. The good scores obtained from the teachers are very positive because they make the project work.
机译:背景:人们在儿童和青春期开始吸烟,儿童开始吸烟的年龄正在逐渐下降:2005年,11至14岁年龄组的吸烟率上升到3.3%,而2002年同一年龄组的吸烟率仅为1.4%。方法:“Mr Starbene e il Club dei Vincenti”是区域计划 Liberi dal Fumo 的一部分,通过一项实验性非随机研究进行评估,让家长和教师参与进来,使用简短的问卷。该项目的目标是引导四年级和五年级的儿童走向无烟的生活方式。登记人群由治疗组的 5,552 名学生和 4,758 名对照组组成。结果:两年后,治疗组尝试吸烟但目前不再吸烟的儿童人数减少了16.3%,而对照组增加了12.5%(p=0.000)。治疗组认为每天抽几支烟有害的儿童人数(+8%)高于对照组(+4.4%),这表明与感知到的吸烟危害相比,有显著的结果。治疗组声称今后不吸烟的儿童减少了57.1%,而对照组减少了21.4%(p<0.001);在治疗组中,表示愿意接受香烟的儿童减少了(-12.5%),但在对照组中没有减少(P<0.001)。该研究还指出了榜样对儿童吸烟态度的影响。结论:该项目的积极成果使人们对未来充满希望,即使需要进行长期评估。从老师那里获得的好成绩是非常积极的,因为他们使项目顺利进行。




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