首页> 外文期刊>Archives of orthopaedic and trauma surgery >Heterotopic ossification around distal femur after total knee arthroplasty.

Heterotopic ossification around distal femur after total knee arthroplasty.


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Heterotopic ossification after total knee arthroplasty is not well recognized. We found heterotopic ossification around the distal femur in 10 (5) of 221 knees after primary total knee arthroplasty and evaluated clinical findings as well as risk factors. The duration of follow-up ranged from 1 to 5 years. Most patients with heterotopic ossification showed clinical findings that were suspected of being early infection after surgery such as continuing low-grade fever and erythematous, warm, and swollen knees, whereas blood examinations were normal. Heterotopic ossification developed by a mean period of 5 weeks, and the size increased for a mean period of 9 weeks. The maximum size of the ossification was 5 cm in 1 knee. After that, the size decreased without any treatment in all knees, and the ossification finally disappeared in 2 knees. Osteoarthrosis and the presence of postoperative effusion were the significant risk factors in the development of heterotopic ossification. Although it is difficult to draw valid conclusions from our small study, heterotopic ossification at the distal femur after total knee arthroplasty needed no treatment and was not progressive, nor did it affect the short-term outcome in this study.
机译:全膝关节置换术后的异位骨化尚未得到很好的认识。在初次全膝关节置换术后,我们发现 221 个膝关节中有 10 个 (5%) 在股骨远端周围出现异位骨化,并评估了临床表现和危险因素。随访时间从1年到5年不等。大多数异位骨化患者在术后表现出疑似早期感染的临床表现,如持续低热和膝盖红斑、发热和肿胀,而血液检查正常。异位骨化平均发生 5 周,大小增加平均 9 周。骨化的最大尺寸为 9 个膝盖的 5 厘米。之后,所有膝盖均未进行任何治疗,尺寸减小,最终在2个膝盖上骨化消失。骨关节病和术后积液的存在是异位骨化发生的重要危险因素。虽然很难从我们的小型研究中得出有效的结论,但全膝关节置换术后股骨远端的异位骨化不需要治疗,也不是进展性的,也不影响本研究的短期结果。




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