首页> 外文期刊>Epidemiology and Infection >Incidence of acute respiratory infections in Australia

Incidence of acute respiratory infections in Australia


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We used a national survey of 7578 randomly selected respondents in 2008-2009 to identify the period prevalence of acute respiratory infection (ARI) by season and state, and to estimate the incidence of ARI in the Australian community. A case was defined as any episode of cold or flu with at least one of the following symptoms: fever, chills, sore throat, running nose, or cough in the past 4 weeks. Frequency data were weighted to the Australian population. The response rate to the survey was 49, and 19·9 (1505/7578) of respondents reported an ARI in the previous 4 weeks, which extrapolated to 68·9 million cases 95 confidence interval (CI) 65·1-72·7 of ARI in Australia annually. The incidence was 3·2 (95 CI 3·0-3·4) cases of ARI/person per year, and was highest in young children and lowest in older people. ARI imposes a significant burden on Australian society.
机译:我们在 2008-2009 年对 7578 名随机选择的受访者进行了全国性调查,以确定按季节和州划分的急性呼吸道感染 (ARI) 的患病率,并估计澳大利亚社区 ARI 的发病率。病例被定义为在过去 4 周内至少出现以下症状之一的任何感冒或流感发作:发烧、发冷、喉咙痛、流鼻涕或咳嗽。频率数据对澳大利亚人口进行了加权。调查的回复率为49%,19.9%(1505/7578)的受访者在过去4周内报告了ARI,这推断为澳大利亚每年有6890万例ARI病例[95%置信区间(CI)65.1-72.7]。ARI/人每年发病率为3.2例(95%CI 3.0-3.4),幼儿最高,老年人最低。ARI给澳大利亚社会带来了沉重的负担。




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