首页> 外文期刊>Value in health: the journal of the International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research >County-Level Cost-Effectiveness Thresholds: Initial Estimates and the Need for Further Research

County-Level Cost-Effectiveness Thresholds: Initial Estimates and the Need for Further Research


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Background: Cost-effectiveness analysis can guide policymakers in resource allocation decisions. It assesses whether the health gains offered by an intervention are large enough relative to any additional costs to warrant adoption. When there are constraints on the health care system's budget or ability to increase expenditures, additional costs imposed by interventions have an "opportunity cost" in terms of the health foregone because other interventions cannot be provided. Cost-effectiveness thresholds (CETs) are typically used to assess whether an intervention is worthwhile and should reflect health opportunity cost. Nevertheless, CETs used by some decision makers such as the World Health Organization that suggested CETs of 1 to 3 times the gross domestic product (GDP) per capita do not. Objectives: To estimate CETs based on opportunity cost for a wide range of countries. Methods: We estimated CETs based on recent empirical estimates of opportunity cost (from the English National Health Service), estimates of the relationship between country GDP per capita and the value of a statistical life, and a series of explicit assumptions. Results: CETs for Malawi (the country with the lowest income in the world), Cambodia (with borderline low/low-middle income), El Salvador (with borderline low-middle/upper-middle income), and Kazakhstan (with borderline high-middle/high income) were estimated to be $3 to $116 (1-51 GDP per capita), $44 to $518 (451), $422 to $1967 (11-51), and $4485 to $8018 (32-59), respectively. Conclusions: To date, opportunity-cost-based CETs for low-/middle-income countries have not been available. Although uncertainty exists in the underlying assumptions, these estimates can provide a useful input to inform resource allocation decisions and suggest that routinely used CETs have been too high.
机译:背景:成本效益分析可以指导政策制定者做出资源分配决策。它评估干预措施提供的健康收益是否相对于任何额外成本足够大,以保证采用。当卫生保健系统的预算或增加支出的能力受到限制时,干预措施带来的额外费用在放弃健康方面具有“机会成本”,因为无法提供其他干预措施。成本效益阈值 (CET) 通常用于评估干预措施是否值得,并应反映健康机会成本。然而,一些决策者(如世界卫生组织)使用的 CET 建议 CET 为人均国内生产总值 (GDP) 的 1 至 3 倍,但事实并非如此。 研究目的: 根据广泛国家的机会成本估算 CET。方法:我们根据最近对机会成本的实证估计(来自英国国家卫生服务局)、对国家人均GDP与统计寿命价值之间关系的估计以及一系列明确的假设来估计CETs。结果:马拉维(世界上收入最低的国家)、柬埔寨(中低收入/中低收入边缘)、萨尔瓦多(中低收入/中高收入边缘)和哈萨克斯坦(中高收入边缘)的 CET 估计为 3 至 116 美元(人均 GDP 的 1%-51%)、44 美元至 518 美元(4%51%)、422 美元至 1967 美元(11%-51%)和 4485 美元至 8018 美元(32%-59%), 分别。结论:迄今为止,尚无针对低收入/中等收入国家基于机会成本的CET。尽管基本假设存在不确定性,但这些估计数可以为资源分配决策提供有用的投入,并表明常规使用的CET过高。




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