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Floating-Point Divide Operation without Special Hardware Supports


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Three multiplicative algorithms for the floating- point divideoperation are compared: the Newton-Raphson method, Goldschmidt'salgorithm, and a naive method that sim- ply calculates a form of theTaylor series expansion of a reciprocal. The series also provides atheoretical basis for Goldschmidt's al- gorithm. It is well knownthat, of the Newton-Raphson method and Goldschmidt's algorithm, theformer is the more accurate while the latter is the faster on apipelined unit. However, little is reported about the naive method.In this report, we analyze the speed and accuracy of each method andpresent the results of numerical tests, which we conducted to confirmthe validity of the accuracy analysis. Basically, the comparison aremade in the context of software implementation (e.g., a macrolibrary) and compliance with the IEEE Standard 754 rounding is notconsid- ered. It is shown that the naive method is useful in arealistic setting where the number of iterations is small and themethod is implemented on a pipelined floating-point unit with amultiply- accumulate configuration. In such a situation, the naivemethod gives a more accurate result with a slightly lower latency, ascom- pared with Goldschmidt's algorithm, and is much faster than butslightly inferior in accuracy to the Newton-Raphson method.
机译:比较了浮点除法运算的三种乘法算法:牛顿-拉夫森方法、Goldschmidt 算法和简单计算倒数泰勒级数展开形式的朴素方法。该系列还为戈德施密特的算法提供了理论基础。众所周知,在牛顿-拉夫森方法和戈德施密特算法中,前者更准确,而后者在流水线单元上更快。然而,关于这种朴素方法的报道很少。在本报告中,我们分析了每种方法的速度和准确性,并提出了数值测试的结果,我们进行了数值测试,以确认准确性分析的有效性。基本上,比较是在软件实现(例如宏库)的背景下进行的,并且不符合IEEE标准754四舍五入。结果表明,朴素方法在迭代次数较少且该方法在具有乘法累加配置的流水线浮点单元上实现的现实环境中很有用。在这种情况下,朴素方法以略低的延迟给出更准确的结果,与Goldschmidt算法相比,并且比Newton-Raphson方法快得多,但在精度上略逊于Newton-Raphson方法。




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