首页> 外文期刊>Medical science monitor: international medical journal of experimental and clinical research >Aspergillus fumigatus synergistically enhances mite-induced allergic airway inflammation.

Aspergillus fumigatus synergistically enhances mite-induced allergic airway inflammation.


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BACKGROUND: Infection is an important trigger of exacerbation of bronchial asthma. The fact that Aspergillus fumigatus (Af) causes a distinct clinical syndrome, allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (ABPA), suggests unique immunological properties in allergic asthma. The present study aimed to determine how Af enhances preexisting allergic airway inflammation and colonizes the airway in asthma. MATERIAL/METHODS: Six groups of BALB/c mice were prepared: Control; live or dead Af-infected (Live Af or Dead Af); Dermatophagoides farinae (Df) allergen-sensitized (Df); and Df-sensitized plus live or dead Af-infected (Df-live Af or Df-dead Af). Pulmonary pathology, cytokine profiles and mucous production in the airway were evaluated in these groups. RESULTS: Af infection significantly enhanced Df allergen-induced eosinophilic inflammation via enhancement of Th2-like response. Live, but not dead, Af significantly exacerbated neutrophilic inflammation. Induction of IL-13 and Muc5ac proteins by Df allergen sensitization was significantly enhanced by both live and dead Af infection, resulting in mucous hypersecretion. CONCLUSIONS: Collectively, the present study showed that mite allergen sensitization concomitant with Af infection enhanced Th2-dominant immune response in the airway, which induced mucous hypersecretion and potentially permitted further colonization by Af spores. It is likely that Af enhances allergic airway inflammation as an allergen, while it enhances neutrophilic airway inflammation as a pathogen. Future studies on pharmacological intervention in the present murine model utilizing glucocorticoid, and anti-fungal drugs are thus promising.
机译:背景:感染是支气管哮喘恶化的重要诱因。烟曲霉 (Af) 引起一种独特的临床综合征,即过敏性支气管肺曲霉病 (ABPA),这一事实表明过敏性哮喘具有独特的免疫学特性。本研究旨在确定 Af 如何增强先前存在的过敏性气道炎症并在哮喘的气道中定植。材料/方法: 制备 6 组 BALB/c 小鼠:对照;活的或死的 Af 感染者(活的 Af 或死的 Af);Dermatophagoides farinae (Df) 过敏原致敏 (Df);和 Df 致敏加上活的或死的 Af 感染(Df-live Af 或 Df-dead Af)。评估这些组的肺部病理学、细胞因子谱和气道粘液生成。结果:Af 感染通过增强 Th2 样反应显着增强 Df 过敏原诱导的嗜酸性粒细胞炎症。活的,但不是死的,Af显着加剧了中性粒细胞炎症。Df 过敏原致敏对 IL-13 和 Muc5ac 蛋白的诱导在活和死 Af 感染中均显着增强,导致粘液分泌过多。结论:总的来说,本研究表明,螨虫过敏原致敏伴随 Af 感染增强了气道中 Th2 显性免疫反应,诱导粘液分泌过多,并可能使 Af 孢子进一步定植。Af 作为过敏原可能会增强过敏性气道炎症,而作为病原体会增强中性粒细胞气道炎症。因此,未来利用糖皮质激素和抗真菌药物对本小鼠模型进行药物干预的研究是有希望的。




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