
Observational constraints of cosmic reionization


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The epoch of reionization is the last unexplored phase of cosmic evolution, corresponding to a crucial era in cosmic structure formation-the formation of the first luminous objects. I review some recent constraints on the end of reionization using observations of the highest-redshift quasars and galaxies. Spectro-scopic studies of Gunn-Peterson (GP) absorption, and related phenomena, suggest a qualitative change in the state of the intergalactic medium (IGM) at z ~ 6, indicating a rapid increase in the neutral fraction of the IGM, from xm < 10~4 at z < 55, to XHI > 10^3, and perhaps as high as 0 3, at z > 6 On the other hand, transmission spikes in the GP trough, and observations of the evolution of the Lya galaxy luminosity function indicate X-RI < 50% at z ~ 6,5. The IGM characteristics at this epoch are consistent with the end of the overlapping stage of reionization. Current data are consistent with star-forming galaxies, in particular low-luminosity galaxies, rather than quasars and AGNs, as being the dominant sources of reionizing photons, although large uncertainties still exist in estimating the total contribution from the galaxy population at high redshift.
机译:电离的时代是宇宙演化的最后一个未探索的阶段,对应于宇宙结构形成的关键时期,即第一个发光物体的形成。我使用对最高红移类星体和星系的观测,回顾了最近在电离结束方面的一些限制。耿恩-彼得森(GP)吸收和相关现象的光谱研究表明,银河系中间介质(IGM)的状态在z〜6处发生了质的变化,表明IGM的中性分数从xm迅速增加在z <55时<10〜4,到XHI> 10 ^ 3,甚至可能高达0 3,在z> 6时另一方面,GP槽中的传输峰值以及对Lya星系光度演化的观察函数表示X-RI



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