首页> 外文期刊>Weed Technology: A journal of the Weed Science Society of America >Herbicide Management Strategies in Field Corn for a Three-Way Herbicide-Resistant Palmer Amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri) Population

Herbicide Management Strategies in Field Corn for a Three-Way Herbicide-Resistant Palmer Amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri) Population


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Three field experiments were conducted from 2013 to 2015 in Barry County, MI to evaluate the effectiveness of PRE, POST, and one- (EPOS) and two-pass (PRE followed by POST) herbicide programs for management of multiple-resistant Palmer amaranth in field corn. The Palmer amaranth population at this location has demonstrated resistance to glyphosate (Group 9), ALS-inhibiting herbicides (Group 2), and atrazine (Group 5). In the PRE only experiment, the only herbicide treatments that consistently provided similar to 80 or greater control were pyroxasulfone and the combination of mesotrione + S-metolachlor. However, none of these treatments provided season-long Palmer amaranth control. Only topramezone provided >85 Palmer amaranth control 14 DAT, in the POST only experiment. Of the 19 herbicide programs studied all but three programs provided >= 88 Palmer amaranth control at corn harvest. Herbicide programs that did not control Palmer amaranth relied on only one effective herbicide site of action and in one case did not include a residual herbicide POST for late-season Palmer amaranth control. Some of the EPOS treatments were effective for season-long Palmer amaranth control; however, application timing and the inclusion of a residual herbicide component will be critical for controlling Palmer amaranth. The programs that consistently provided the highest levels of season-long Palmer amaranth control were PRE followed by POST herbicide programs that relied on a minimum of two effective herbicide sites of action and usually included a residual herbicide for late-season control.
机译:2013 年至 2015 年在密歇根州巴里县进行了三项田间试验,以评估 PRE、POST 和一通 (EPOS) 和两遍(PRE 后是 POST)除草剂计划在大田玉米中管理多抗棕榈苋菜的有效性。该地点的帕尔默苋菜种群已显示出对草甘膦(第 9 组)、ALS 抑制除草剂(第 2 组)和莠去津(第 5 组)的抗性。在仅 PRE 实验中,唯一始终提供类似于 80% 或更高控制的除草剂处理是吡咯砜和甲基磺草酮 + S-异丙甲草胺的组合。然而,这些治疗都没有提供整个季节的帕尔默苋菜控制。在仅 POST 实验中,只有托普拉美松提供 >85% Palmer 苋菜对照 14 DAT。在所研究的 19 个除草剂计划中,除三个计划外,所有计划都提供了 >= 88% 的帕尔默苋菜在玉米收获时的控制。不控制帕尔默苋菜的除草剂计划仅依赖于一个有效的除草剂作用部位,并且在一个案例中不包括用于晚季帕尔默苋菜控制的残留除草剂 POST。一些EPOS处理对整个季节的Palmer苋菜控制有效;然而,施用时机和残留除草剂成分的加入对于控制棕榈苋菜至关重要。始终如一地提供最高水平的帕尔默苋菜控制的计划是 PRE,其次是 POST 除草剂计划,该计划依赖于至少两个有效的除草剂作用位点,并且通常包括用于后期控制的残留除草剂。




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