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SIRT1 as a potential therapeutic target for treatment of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease.

机译:SIRT1 作为治疗非酒精性脂肪性肝病的潜在治疗靶点。

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Sirtuins are members of the silent information regulator 2 (Sir2) family, a group of Class III histone/protein deacetylases. There are 7 different sirtuins in mammals (SIRT1-7), of which SIRT1 is the best known and most studied. SIRT1 is responsible for the regulation of protein activation by means of deacetylating a variety of proteins that play important roles in the pathophysiology of metabolic diseases. Recently, it has been shown that SIRT1 plays key roles in the regulation of lipid and glucose homeostasis, control of insulin secretion and sensitivity, antiinflammatory effects, control of oxidative stress and the improvements in endothelial function that result due to increased mitochondrial biogenesis and beta-oxidation capacity. Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is currently the most common liver disease, and it has been accepted as the hepatic component of metabolic syndrome. Recent studies have shown that SIRT expression in the liver is significantly decreased in an NAFLD model of rats fed a high-fat diet, and moderate SIRT1 overexpression protects mice from developing NAFLD. In addition to resveratrol, a natural SIRT1 activator, small-molecule pharmacologic SIRT1 activators have positive effects on metabolic diseases. These effects are particularly promising in the case of diabetes mellitus, for which phase studies are currently being performed. With this information, we hypothesized that the pharmacologic activation of SIRT1, which has been implicated in the pathogenesis of NAFLD, will be a potential therapeutic target for treating NAFLD. In this paper, we review the metabolic effects of SIRT1 and its association with the pathophysiology of NAFLD.
机译:Sirtuins 是沉默信息调节因子 2 (Sir2) 家族的成员,该家族是一组 III 类组蛋白/蛋白质脱乙酰酶。哺乳动物中有 7 种不同的 sirtuins (SIRT1-7),其中 SIRT1 是最著名和研究最多的。SIRT1 负责通过脱乙酰化多种蛋白质来调节蛋白质活化,这些蛋白质在代谢疾病的病理生理学中起重要作用。最近,研究表明 SIRT1 在调节脂质和葡萄糖稳态、控制胰岛素分泌和敏感性、抗炎作用、控制氧化应激以及由于线粒体生物发生和 β-氧化能力增加而导致的内皮功能改善中起关键作用。非酒精性脂肪性肝病(NAFLD)是目前最常见的肝病,它已被接受为代谢综合征的肝脏成分。最近的研究表明,在喂食高脂肪饮食的大鼠的NAFLD模型中,肝脏中的SIRT表达显着降低,中度SIRT1过表达可保护小鼠免于患NAFLD。除了天然 SIRT1 激活剂白藜芦醇外,小分子药理学 SIRT1 激活剂对代谢疾病也有积极作用。这些影响在糖尿病的情况下特别有希望,目前正在进行阶段研究。根据这些信息,我们假设与NAFLD发病机制有关的SIRT1的药理激活将成为治疗NAFLD的潜在治疗靶点。本文综述了SIRT1的代谢效应及其与NAFLD病理生理学的相关性。




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