首页> 外文期刊>aquaculture research >Influence of pre‐stocking feeding levels on catchability of rainbow trout,Oncorhynchus mykiss(Walbaum), in a small fishery

Influence of pre‐stocking feeding levels on catchability of rainbow trout,Oncorhynchus mykiss(Walbaum), in a small fishery

机译:放养前摄食水平对小型渔场虹鳟鱼Oncorhynchus mykiss(Walbaum)可捕捞性的影响



Abstract.The effects of different pre‐stocking feeding levels on the subsequent catchability of rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum), were investigated in a 12‐ha put‐and‐take fishery. Two sibling batches of Winthrop strain were fed high or low rations of a pelleted diet to produce similar sized, but recently fast‐ and slow‐growing fish. Each batch was given a distinctive dye mark. Anglers’catch records showed that although the 'slow‐growing’fish were significantly the more easy to catch during the first week after stocking, over the remaining 5 months of the fishing season there was little difference in catchability between batches. This suggests that previous observations of sustained between‐strain differences were not the result of selection of fast‐ and slow‐growing fish per se, but were probably
机译:摘要:以12 hm的放养渔业为研究对象,研究了不同放养前投放水平对虹鳟鱼Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum)后续捕捞性的影响。两批兄弟批次的Winthrop菌株被喂食高或低口粮的颗粒饲料,以生产相似大小但最近生长迅速和缓慢的鱼。每批产品都带有独特的染料标记。垂钓者的渔获记录显示,尽管“生长缓慢”的鱼在放养后的第一周明显更容易捕获,但在捕鱼季节的剩余 5 个月中,批次之间的可捕获性几乎没有差异。这表明,先前对持续的菌株间差异的观察并不是选择快速和缓慢生长的鱼类本身的结果,而是可能




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