首页> 外文期刊>Archives of orthopaedic and trauma surgery >An economic evaluation of early versus delayed operative treatment in patients with closed tibial shaft fractures.

An economic evaluation of early versus delayed operative treatment in patients with closed tibial shaft fractures.


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There are few reports examining the effect of surgical delay on outcomes following operative treatment of lower extremity fractures. Delays in the surgery for closed tibial shaft fractures have been reported to increase the overall complication rate, postoperative hospital stays and crude costs to the health care system. Our purpose was to estimate the cost-effectiveness and cost-utility associated with the adoption of a programme of early operative treatment of all closed tibial shaft fractures. We performed cost analyses based upon data obtained from an observational study. A cohort of patients with closed tibial shaft fractures was identified at a university-affiliated level I trauma centre. Patients were divided into an early surgical group (within 12 h) and delayed surgical group (longer than 12 h). Study outcomes included time to fracture union (weeks), direct inpatient and outpatient costs associated with each intervention, loss of productivity costs, and utilities (patient health perception) asdetermined from content experts. Sixteen patients were operated on within 12 h of injury and 19 patients were treated later than 12 h after their fracture. These groups were similar for all baseline variables. The average time to fracture union was 28.2 weeks (SD 9.4) and 44.2 weeks (SD 7.4) for the early surgical group and the delayed surgical group, respectively ( p<0.01). When the costs associated with productivity losses were included in the cost-effectiveness analysis, savings were noted of 7,330 CD dollars per patient and of 458 CD dollars for each week that a fracture healed more quickly with early treatment. However, when the loss of patient productivity was not included, there was a cost per week of 67 CD dollars. A difference of 0.09 quality adjusted life years (QALYs) in favour of the early surgery was found, which yielded a savings of 81,444 CD dollars per QALY gained when the productivity losses were included and a cost per QALY of 11,922 CD dollars when the productivity losses were not included.Both cost-effectiveness and cost-utility analyses were robust. Early plate fixation of closed tibial shaft fractures results in significantly shorter time to fracture union, fewer postoperative complications, significant cost effectiveness and greater QALYs gained when compared with delayed treatment. Inferences from this study are strengthened by the comprehensive abstraction of cost data and detailed cost-effectiveness and cost-utility analyses.
机译:很少有报告研究手术延迟对下肢骨折手术治疗后结局的影响。据报道,闭合性胫骨干骨折手术的延迟会增加总体并发症发生率、术后住院时间和医疗保健系统的粗略成本。我们的目的是评估与采用所有闭合性胫骨干骨折的早期手术治疗方案相关的成本效益和成本效益。我们根据从观察性研究中获得的数据进行了成本分析。一组闭合性胫骨干骨折患者在大学附属的一级创伤中心被发现。将患者分为早期手术组(12 h内)和延迟手术组(12 h以上)。研究结果包括骨折愈合时间(周)、与每次干预相关的直接住院和门诊费用、生产力成本损失以及内容专家确定的效用(患者健康感知)。16 例患者在受伤后 12 小时内接受了手术,19 例患者在骨折后 12 小时内接受了治疗。这些组在所有基线变量上都是相似的。早期手术组和延迟手术组骨折愈合的平均时间分别为 28.2 周 (SD 9.4) 和 44.2 周 (SD 7.4) ( p<0.01)。当将与生产力损失相关的成本包括在成本效益分析中时,注意到每位患者节省了 7,330 CD 美元,通过早期治疗,骨折愈合得更快,每周节省了 458 CD 美元。然而,当不包括患者生产力的损失时,每周的成本为 67 CD 美元。发现有利于早期手术的质量调整生命年(QALYs)相差0.09,当包括生产力损失时,每QALY可节省81,444 CD美元,而不包括生产力损失时,每QALY可节省11,922 CD美元。成本效益和成本效益分析都是稳健的。与延迟治疗相比,闭合性胫骨干骨折的早期钢板固定可显著缩短骨折愈合时间,减少术后并发症,显著提高成本效益,并获得更高的 QALY。通过对成本数据的全面提取以及详细的成本效益和成本效用分析,加强了本研究的推论。




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