首页> 外文期刊>Weed technology: A journal of the Weed Science Society of America >Chemical management of cut-leaved teasel (Dipsacus laciniatus) in Missouri

Chemical management of cut-leaved teasel (Dipsacus laciniatus) in Missouri

机译:密苏里州切叶茶(Dipsacus laciniatus)的化学管理

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Cut-leaved teasel is an invasive weed along highway corridors and is classified noxious in four states, including Missouri. Few herbicides have been examined for cut-leaved teasel control. Herbicides were evaluated for efficacy on established plants and residual activity for suppressing seedling emergence. Various growth regulator herbicides, amino acid inhibitors, and paraquat were applied on established teasel at two locations in central Missouri in fall 2003 and spring 2004, and two additional locations in fall 2004 and spring 2005. At 2 wk after treatment (WAT), paraquat resulted in the highest injury of teasel (85), but injury declined over time. At 4 WAT, teasel control was most consistent with dicamba + diflufenzopyr applied in spring, ranging from 75 to 94 control. At 8 wk, glyphosate, dicamba + diflufenzopyr, metsulfuron-methyl, imazapyr, and combinations of growth regulator herbicides with 2,4-D were most effective, with teasel control froth 86 to 100. Control with 2,4-D alone was inconsistent; sulfosulfuron, sulfometuron-methyl, and paraquat were ineffective. Residual herbicides did not reduce teasel seedling emergence the following year. A number of herbicides were effective in managing emerged plants but reinfestations of treated sites is likely, even with the residual herbicides used in this research.
机译:切叶茶树是高速公路走廊沿线的一种入侵性杂草,在包括密苏里州在内的四个州被归类为有害杂草。很少有除草剂被检查用于控制切叶茶树。评估了除草剂对已建立植物的功效和抑制幼苗出苗的残留活性。2003 年秋季和 2004 年春季,密苏里州中部的两个地点,以及 2004 年秋季和 2005 年春季,在另外两个地点,对已种植的茶树施用了各种生长调节剂除草剂、氨基酸抑制剂和百草枯。在治疗后 2 周 (WAT),百草枯对茶叶的损伤率最高 (85%),但损伤会随着时间的推移而下降。在4 WAT时,茶叶控制与春季施用的麦草畏+地氟芬唑吡啶最一致,控制率为75%至94%。在 8 周时,草甘膦、麦草畏 + 二氟苯唑嘧啶、甲磺隆、咪唑嘧啶以及生长调节剂除草剂与 2,4-D 的组合最有效,茶叶控制泡沫为 86% 至 100%。单独使用2,4-D的对照不一致;磺嘧磺隆、甲基磺胺隆和百草枯无效。残留的除草剂并没有减少第二年茶树幼苗的出苗。许多除草剂在管理新出现的植物方面是有效的,但即使本研究中使用的残留除草剂,处理过的地点也可能再次感染。




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