首页> 外文期刊>Physics Letters, B. Nuclear Physics and High Energy Physics >A numerical experiment in DLCQ: microcausality, continuum limit and all that

A numerical experiment in DLCQ: microcausality, continuum limit and all that


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Issues related with microcausality violation and continuum limit in the context of (1 + 1) dimensional scalar field theory in discretized light-cone quantization (DLCQ) are addressed in parallel with discretized equal time quantization (DETQ) and the fact that Lorentz invariance and microcausality are restored if one can take the continuum limit properly is emphasized. In the free case, it is shown with numerical evidence that the continuum results can be reproduced from DLCQ results for the Pauli-Jordan function and the real part of Feynman propagator. The contributions coming from k(+) near zero region in these cases are found to be very small. In the interacting case, aspects related to the continuum limit of DLCQ results in perturbation theory in momentum space are discussed. (C) 2000 Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. References: 10
机译:在离散化光锥量子化 (DLCQ) 中 (1 + 1) 维标量场理论的背景下,与微因果性违反和连续介质极限相关的问题与离散化等时间量化 (DETQ) 并行解决,并强调了如果能够正确理解连续介质极限,洛伦兹不变性和微因果性就会恢复的事实。在自由情况下,数值证据表明,连续谱结果可以从泡利-乔丹函数和费曼传播子实部的 DLCQ 结果中重现。在这些情况下,来自k(+)接近零区域的贡献非常小。在相互作用的情况下,讨论了动量空间中扰动理论中DLCQ的连续极限导致的相关方面。(C) 2000年由Elsevier Science B.V.出版。保留所有权利。[参考资料: 10]




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