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Occult HIV infection in a large sample of health-care users in Lombardy, Italy in 2014-2015: implications for control strategies


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We estimated the number of people unaware of their human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection in our province, Pavia (population 540 000) in Lombardy, Italy, by means of anonymous unlinked testing of 10 044 serum/plasma samples residual from clinical analyses at the outpatient clinic of Policlinico San Matteo in 2014 and 2015. Ethical and legal approval was obtained prior to study start. Samples were irreversibly anonymised, only retaining gender and 5-year age class. Five sample pools were tested for HIV using LIAISON (R) XL MUREX HIV Ab/Ag (DiaSorin, Saluggia, Italy). If the pool tested positive, individual samples underwent confirmatory tests, Innotest HIV Antigen mAb (Fujirebio Europe, Gent, Belgium) and HIV BLOT 2.2 (MP Diagnostics, Singapore). Among the 10 044 samples processed, eight were confirmed positive (0.08, 95 confidence interval 0.03-0.16), all were males and age was > 50 in 3 (37.5). If projected to the entire population of the Pavia province, this would result in approximately 1000 people unaware of their HIV infection, with age older than expected. In Italy, HIV testing is voluntary, universally free-of-charge and (upon request) anonymous. Nevertheless, this study demonstrates that it is suboptimally employed, and that new strategies and population-level actions will be needed to achieve better implementation of HIV testing and HIV control in our province.
机译:我们通过对2014年和2015年在Policlinico San Matteo门诊诊所进行的临床分析残留的10 044份血清/血浆样本进行匿名无关联检测,估计了意大利伦巴第大区帕维亚省(人口540 000)不知道自己感染人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)的人数。在研究开始之前获得了伦理和法律批准。样本是不可逆转的匿名的,只保留了性别和5岁年龄。使用 LIAISON (R) XL MUREX HIV Ab/Ag(DiaSorin,Saluggia,Italy)对五个样本池进行 HIV 检测。如果样本库检测呈阳性,则对单个样本进行确认性检测,即Innotest HIV Antigen mAb(Fujirebio Europe,根特,比利时)和HIV BLOT 2.2(MP Diagnostics,新加坡)。在处理的10 044个样本中,8个被确认为阳性(0.08%,95%置信区间0.03-0.16%),均为男性,年龄>50/3(37.5%)。如果预测到帕维亚省的全体人口,这将导致大约1000人不知道自己感染了艾滋病毒,年龄比预期的要大。在意大利,艾滋病毒检测是自愿的,普遍免费的,并且(根据要求)匿名。然而,这项研究表明,它的使用并不理想,需要新的战略和人口层面的行动,以便在我省更好地实施艾滋病毒检测和艾滋病毒控制。




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