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Cryptogenic pulmonary eosinophilia




SummaryThe clinical and immunological features of fifteen cases of cryptogenic pulmonary eosinophilia are reported. There were ten women (mean age 35·4 years) and five men (mean age 42 years). Eight gave a previous history of asthma and seven had none. Thirteen of the fifteen patients had negative skin test to common allergens. Many features of a systemic illness were present in the asthmatic and non‐asthmatic groups including anaemia, weight loss, fever and a grossly raised ESR. An absolute polymorphonuclear leucocytosis was frequent as well as the obligatory increase in blood eosinophils used as one of our criteria for inclusion. Hepatomegaly (three cases), splenomegaly (four cases) and hilar node enlargement (one case) were seen in the group without asthma. Evidence of renal involvement or necrotizing vasculitis was notably absent and the response to small doses of corticosteroids was dramatic.Immunologically the striking feature was a disproportionate increase in blood eosinophils compared with only minor elevations in the total serum IgE levels. This stands in contrast to patients with bronchopulmonary aspergillosis and helminth infestation.Studies of cytophilic antibodies using histamine liberation after challenge with antibodies to immunoglobulin sub‐classes in six patients showed a marked increase in IgG2and lesser increases of IgE and IgG3. No evidence of antibodies specific toA. fumigatuswas found. The amount of cytophilic antibody was also in contrast to that found in bronchopulmonary aspergill
机译:摘要报道了 15 例隐源性肺嗜酸性粒细胞增多症的临床和免疫学特征。女性10人(平均年龄35·4岁)和男性5人(平均年龄42岁)。8人有哮喘病史,7人没有哮喘病史。15 名患者中有 13 名对常见过敏原的皮肤试验呈阴性。哮喘和非哮喘组存在全身性疾病的许多特征,包括贫血、体重减轻、发热和红细胞沉降率严重升高。绝对多形核白细胞增多症很常见,血液嗜酸性粒细胞的强制性增加被用作我们的纳入标准之一。无哮喘组见肝肿大(3例)、脾肿大(4例)和肺门淋巴结肿大(1例)。肾脏受累或坏死性血管炎的证据明显缺失,对小剂量皮质类固醇的反应显著。在免疫学上,显著特征是血液嗜酸性粒细胞不成比例地增加,而血清总 IgE 水平仅略有升高。这与支气管肺曲霉病和蠕虫感染患者形成鲜明对比。对 6 名患者使用免疫球蛋白亚类抗体攻击后使用组胺释放的嗜细胞抗体的研究表明,IgG2 显着增加,IgE 和 IgG3 增加较少。没有证据表明对 A 具有特异性抗体。烟熏被发现。嗜细胞抗体的量也与支气管肺曲霉中的量相反




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